Chapter 1

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Lydon’s pov

In my world everyone has a soulmate. Everyone. No matter who is famous or not they all have soulmates. When we are born we have a name tattooed on our left wrist. Just a name. Unfortunately you don’t get a last name which makes it harder to find but none of the less fun for adventures. 

The only way to find your soulmate is to kiss them, and to everyone who’s saying, “why don’t you just kiss everyone?” Well , there is a little  thing called hygiene. But hey, if you want to catch something then go on right ahead. It is said that when you kiss your soulmate, the fancy name that is written on your wrist turns the black ink into gold signalling that you have found your match. If you haven’t already don’t you little fritters freight, there is like seven billion people in the world, you WILL find someone because there is a guy called fate who’s little game is to intervene. That three hour plane delay? Your soulmate could have possibly coming off a plane or coming to where you were to bump into you while you were waiting.

But like everything if you do find your mate, things can go astray. Someone die, someone might cheat, someone might even fall out of love. It happens. I’ve witnessed it before even if two people are madly in love, and even if the gods above us in heaven approve of them, there are many way they could fall out of love. As humans, we are not perfect we are meant to have flaws and it takes the right person to see through them all and love you for who you are. We all make mistakes, its what we do and how we learn.

 But if you are like me you have to make the mistake a couple more times to make sure that you are doing the right thing or maybe if you want to change what you do or something. I highly recommend that you DON’T do that because hey you don’t want to make the mistake and missing a step when you are walking down. Oh hey I made a mistake better do it again and see what happens if I change this. No. Do not fall down that same step again. Just move on.

But like I said, you sometimes make the mistake of kissing another girl/guy or falling in love at the wrong time, even if you realise that you possibly can’t be in love with your soulmate, or your soulmate dies the name on your wrist disappears. Forever. When that name disappears so does the chances of finding love. Some may think that’s cruel but let’s face it, there is only one person in the world for you.  Only one.  It’s actually pretty scary that you get one shot at love. You either win or you lose.

If you are anything like me you would be carful around everyone like seriously if you get one shot at something you gotta do it right.  Basically we live in a universe that puts everyone together through the name of the tattoo and fate does the rest. I really don’t know if I should be excited, sad or anything else you could say about this. So know that you know a little about the deal with soulmates let’s get to know me a little.

My name is Lydon, pronounced lie-don if you didn’t know. I’m 17 years old with family problems. You see my mum and dad were soulmates, gold writing and everything they were totally in love. Once they had me, their only child they were still happy but a few years later things started to go downhill. I was playing in my room with my dolls when I heard screaming, banging and crashing. I dropped my doll and concentrated on what they were saying things like ‘it wasn’t my fault,’ ‘I don’t love you anymore,’ ‘look, the your name on my wrist is already fading.’  That’s when more banging was heard before I heard my mum scream that she was leaving. I never saw her again. Next was my dad, he came up to my room and stared at me for the longest time ever. I remember asking him what happened and he said that mum had to go away for a while and what I didn’t know was that she was going to be away forever.  I don’t know when my mum died but dad died when I was 15 from overdosing and drinking at the bar since then I lived alone. I got my parents will and sold the house for a fresh start my old house held to many memories and a new start was what I needed.

I don’t really talk to people, well they don’t really talk to me. I don’t know why people just don’t really talk to me. I wasn’t stuck up or anything my personality was good like I didn’t judge anyone or anything so I really don’t know.  I just learnt to let it go and move on with my life, who needs people anyway so much let drama. My one and only friend was Diamond yeah our names match.  She is the most amazing person in the whole world because she has been with me through thick and thin in life so she wasn’t one of those fake ones.

The thing with Diamond was her tattoo had disappeared last year, no she didn’t go around kissing everyone she saw you crazy people. We think that her soulmate had died I felt really bad for her because I still had my tattoo when she didn’t and that means there is a hard shot that she isn’t going to get a chance at love because there is only one person for everyone in the world and hers just happened to die.  I, being the good friend that I am told her that something could have gone wrong fate probably screwed up and decided to be a bitch.

I hid my tattoo with bracelets that you can see in the picture above... yes that’s me. If you’re asking I have hazel eyes.  I don’t know if it’s true or not because I haven’t talked to anyone that had their tattoo change to gold but there is a think going around that I heard that when you do find your soulmate and your tattoo changes you can actually feel something like you went to the tattoo shop to get the name coloured, you could feel the needle which I kinda didn’t want to feel.

So anyway Diamond is the same age as me and we live in the same house, and if you are wondering we did get to know each other before we decided to jump in the same house.  She had blonde hair with brown underneath which was really nice with crystal blue eyes. Unlike her parents are still alive but she doesn’t talk to them anymore. I don’t know why but if I still have my parents here I would talk to them but that’s her choice if she wants to.   

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