2 | mine to lose.

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dedicated to filevenswhore bc no one is a bigger whore for these two and taylor swift than us and ily <3


"c'mon, c'mon," el pleaded with the universe as she turned the key once again. "don't do this to me," she spoke to the car, her ears begging for that terrible cranking noise that wasn't coming.

she huffed, getting out of the car and walking around to the hood. of course, the outdated car would give out on her day and not will's. it was only fitting since the universe seemed to have it out for her in particular as of late.

she popped the hood, immediately being bombarded with a gush of heat that had her jumping back with a frightened squeal.

embarrassed, she looked around the student lot to ensure that none of the students heading for their cars noticed her little scene. when she caught a few perplexed eyes on her, she shook her head and redirected her gaze to all the confusing mechanics of the blasted car.

to be honest, she didn't know a thing about cars. she wasn't even sure why she popped the hood in the first place, seeing that she knew nothing about what lay beneath it. perhaps she hoped someone with extensive car knowledge would notice her struggle and take pity on her.

unfortunately, her peers only spared her quick glances before averting their eyes.

she pursed her lips in annoyance. "stupid fucking car!" she cursed beneath her breath, resisting the urge to kick in the headlight.

the truth was, the car was far too old to be on the road and it was definitely too old to be shared by two teenagers. however, el's father and will's mother always brushed their complaints off, assuming they were just embarrassed by the car's godawful green color or the squeaking of the brakes or the broken radio. their parents never considered that the car was actually out of operation, and in a way, el was kind of glad the car had taken its last breath. granted, she wished it happened while will had it, but still.

just as she was about to slam the hood shut and go on the hunt for max or one of her other friends, a voice stopped her, "el?"

her eyes widened at that tone, recognizing it in an instant. she spun around, manually slowing her movements to keep from seeming too eager.

the sight that awaited hurt.

mike stood looking at her through concerned eyes, his too-perfect curls taunting her with memories of messing them up. attached to his left hand stood betty, staring at el down the bridge of her thin nose in a slightly annoyed manner.

"hi, mike. hi, betty," el forced out the greeting, praying her agony wasn't detectable.

it'd been a month and a half since senior year started. a month and a half since mike ended their arrangement and got back together with the beloved betty reynolds.

el was convinced whoever came up with the whole "time heals all wounds" mantra was full of shit because every time she saw the couple, it felt like someone was rubbing her wounds in salt — sometimes acid.

"hey. uh, you're will's little sister, right?" betty returned, a smile sweeping her pink lips that didn't quite reach her bluish-grey eyes.

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