( nn ) aim to please.

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*** DISCLAIMER: this is set in the number neighbor (my fic) universe and occurs after chapter 56. with this being said, u don't necessarily have to read number neighbor to read this. personally, i felt like this was too smutty for number neighbor but i still wanted u guys to have this chapter in case this is ur cup of tea. enjoy! ***



el lifted her eyes from the words of her book to find her boyfriend, lazily sprawled out at the foot of her bed, staring at her with an innocent smile.

she lifted a brow, "yes?"

"i'm bored," he whined before tossing a glare to the stupid book that was robbing him of her attention.

she cracked a smile. "hm, i wonder why. you'd think i would've warned you that i had to catch up on my reading for my english class before you came over. oh, wait," she tilted her head. "i did."

mike rolled his eyes and turned his head away from his not-very-nice,  taunting girlfriend. he swept his eyes across her bedroom, trying to feign annoyance. when he glanced back at her, he was disappointed to see she'd already turned her attention back to the book.

narrowing his eyes, he snatched the book from her loose grip and tossed it off the bed, letting it hit the ground with a thud.

with wide eyes, she scoffed. "mike!"

he smiled sweetly. "muscle spasm," he blatantly lied, shrugging a shoulder.

she sharpened her gaze. "mike, pick it up. i have to read another 5 chapters and i really don't want to-"

his surged toward her, collecting her lips with his. after a few moments, her lips started moving with him and her hands curled around his back to draw him nearer.

he smirked into the kiss, feeling a sense of accomplishment now that he finally had her full and undivided attention. feeling his stupid smirk, she reached one of her hands into his hair a tugged on his curls. instead of pulling away or whining about the gesture, he groaned against her lips, causing her stomach to flutter and flip.

her other hand weaved its way into his hair and one of her legs hooked around his, tugging his body clad to hers. another groan sounded and she wasn't 100% which one of them it came from.

his searing kisses drew to cheek and then jaw, moving lower. she stretched her head back, giving him access to more of her skin.

"mike," she breathily whispered as his tongue scorched the hollows of her collarbones.

her other leg wrapped around him and she hooked her ankles, connecting their hips in a way they shad both of their breaths catching. his eager mouth moved back to hers and his hand trailed down her side to grip her thigh.

el released a whine when his fingertips dug into her soft, olive skin, lighting up her insides with pure heat. that single whine would've been enough to undo him if he hadn't been exercising his self-control for nearly the past six months.

her hips rocked, desperate for some sort of friction. mike winced, pulling his lips away to connect their eyes. that desire unwinding within him seemed to triple when he recognized that haze coating her darkened stare.

she leaned up to reconnect their lips, but he moved her back down against the mattress. "el," he warned, trying not to focus on the obvious lust those hazel pools were reflecting.

her lips parted and she confessed, "i want to, mike."

he squeezed his eyes shut, willing whatever ounce of self-control he built up over the course of their relationship to the surface. "your grandparents will be back soon," he reminded, knowing their trip into town for groceries wouldn't allow him the time he would need to do all the things he wanted to do to the girl beneath him.

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