( nn ) trembling.

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CHAPTER 59 ***


the beloved fort from their first date had been disassembled, and the blankets that made up its wall now laid on the ground of his basement, acting as a layer of padding for the needy couple.

el and mike both stood on their knees, their bodies flushed together as their lips moved in a fluid dance. their kisses had grown more urgent as the promise of what was to come filled them both with an unyielding heat.

her hands had already coaxed his sweater off him, so she delighted in the feel of his bare skin beneath her fingertips. their shoes and socks were piled close by, along with max's gift (that they had both agreed she and lucas would never learn how quickly they put it to use).

his fingers curled around the hem of her dress, hiking it up slowly in case she had second thoughts. in response, she just lifted her arms, excited to feel his hands on her skin without the material obstructing his touch.

he thoughtlessly tossed the purple fabric in the direction of their shoes, not paying attention to where it landed. no, his eyes were focused on the sight of his heavenly girlfriend in a matching pastel pink, lace set.

she felt his gaze caress her, and she would've shied away had she not recognized the hunger in his eyes. he sat back on the blankets, pulling her with him by her hips.

she giggled when she lost her balanced and toppled onto him. "hi," the pink-cheeked girl whispered after she finished adjusting herself to a straddling position.

he grinned back at her, shaking his head at her sudden shyness. "hi, pretty girl," he whispered back just before his hands slid up her hips to hold her waist just beneath the thin cups of her bra.

el bit her lip, glancing down at his hands and then back at him. she put her hands on top of his, and then guided them up.

mike let out an unsteady breath as he squeezed her softly, his length stiffening in his pants from the sight of her breasts in his hands. her bra wasn't even off, and he was already losing it.

she leaned back down and connected their lips, settling one hand on the crook of his neck and sliding the other into his hair. their lips slotted together, and their tongues tangled like muscle memory.

she couldn't help but moan when his thumbs rubbed circles around her hardened nipples through the lace. "take it off," she requested against his lips.

her boyfriend didn't need to be told twice. he was only willing to one hand from her to slip behind her and unclasp the clip. he didn't take his lips off hers as he pulled the fabric away and tossed it somewhere.

he kissed her lips once more before pulling back and fluttering his eyes open to see her. "fuck," he didn't mean to say it out loud, but he couldn't really help it when her small, round breasts were bare in front of his face and her pebbled nipples begged for his lips.

she didn't have time for her insecurities to settle in because his eyes flickered to hers for a second before he leaned in and took her into his mouth. she watched in amazement as he sucked the pink nub, still holding her stare.

her lip found it's way back between her teeth as his hand rubbed her neglected breasts. she couldn't keep herself from shifting her hips against him, so overwhelmed with need.

he flicked his tongue against her nipple twice more before he switch to the other, paying it the same devout attention. she cried through her bitten lip and his hand moved to her cup her cheek, pulling that lip away to ensure nothing muffled those sounds.

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