good morning.

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el felt herself fading awake as the light streaming through her window seeped past her eyelids. the fog of her slumber was dissipating with every blink, and she was suddenly very aware of the hardness nestled against her thigh.

she rapidly blinked, trying to focus her vision. her tired eyes set on the sight of her sleeping boyfriend's face, and a lazy smile pulled at her lips. she lifted her face from his bare chest, and glanced over at the clock.

5:49 am.

mike had snuck into her room late last night, assuring he was only coming over to claim the cuddles he had been deprived of because of her new job at the coffee shack. of course, his words only held up until they were nestled close under her covers and his hands went on the prowl. it wasn't long after that he was sinking himself in her, using his hand to muffle her whines as he fucked her while her oblivious family slept.

she knew joyce was probably gone because she had an early shift at the hospital, and her dad and will were most likely dead asleep. it was this exact reason that she took the time to admire his resting face, adoring his freckles and sleep-swollen parted lips. she brushed a curl off of his forehead, only for it to fall right back to its wayward hanging.

she glanced down to find herself in his shirt, faintly remembering when he snagged it from the floor and handed it to her last night. if her memory served her well, it was the only clothing she had on.

her fingertips skated down his pale chest to the sheets that covered the lower half of their bodies, and she lifted it to sneak a peek. she bit her lip at the promising sight of his cock straining against his plaid boxers, pushing against her tanned thigh that was draped over him.

her eyes flitted back to the clock once more, and after some basic calculations, she figured she had enough time to brighten his morning before he had to leave to go home and get ready for school.

she peeled away the sheet, and moved her leg off of him. she wasn't too cautious of her movements because, after dating the boy for over four years, she knew how heavy a sleeper he was.

the brunette sat up on her knees, running her hands through her mess of hair, hoping to get most of it out of her face. then, her hands grasped the hem of his shirt and pulled it over her head. she was a little chilly from the october air that was sweeping through her still-cracked window, but she knew how much he loved her tits so it was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

she absentmindedly fingered one of her nipples, not surprised to find it pebbled from the cool air. she knew he'd be happy able that.

el moved down her bed, discreetly straddling one of his legs as she brushed her hair behind her ears once more.

her hand reached out and rubbed him lightly through his boxers, appreciating his half-hard state. she couldn't help the excited smile that tainted her lips, just imagining his reaction when he realized what she was doing.

they'd discussed it before when they were borderline drunk after a party lucas had thrown at the start of the school year. the topic was sexual fantasies, and after divulging many of hers, she finally got her boyfriend to admit one of his.

waking up to a blowjob.

she'd never had a more perfect opportunity.

her cold fingers wedged between the band of his boxers, and tried to pull them down as swiftly as she could without waking him.

heat seared between her legs at the sight of his length as she got his boxers off. she prayed they'd have time for him to return the favor because she could already feel herself getting wet.

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