perfectly wrong.

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el stood with her arms crossed and an unamused expression coating her face as she watched her boyfriend of two years climb through her window.

mike's clunky boots made him stumble, and he laughed lightly as he struggled to find his footing. of course, when he laid eyes on his unhappy girlfriend, the laughter died out. "uh, hey?" he greeted, suddenly very cautious.

she tightened her arms over her chest, trying to conceal the lack of bra under her thin sleep shirt. "what are you doing here? it's late."

he cocked his head back in surprise. "are you serious? el, you literally texted me asking me if i wanted to come over."

a short, humorless laugh seeped from her. "yeah, at seven. it's ten, mike. you didn't reply for three hours, and now you're here crawling through my window? you know, you're lucky my dad got called into work tonight because he would've definitely heard you scaling the side the house. i could hear you from the bathroom when i brushing my teeth."

ignoring the slight bite in her tone, he smirked. "then, i guess it's a good thing he got called into work," he playfully tossed back, stepping toward her tense frame.

el rolled her eyes. "go home, mike. it's late."

he squinted, "it's a saturday night, el. it's fine."

"well, i assume you're very tired. i mean, you've already had such a busy night already, right?" she mused, stepping back from him.

"what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" he questioned, his jaw set.

she shrugged. "why don't you tell me? where were you?"

his eyes widened at the interrogation. "are you kidding me, right now? i was with my friends. aaron had a bonfire at his house. jesus christ, i didn't realize i had to have your permission to hang out with my friends. i'm so sorry, your majesty," he chided.

again, she laughed. again, there was no humor. "exactly which friends?"

"i can't fucking believe you're giving me the third degree. i was with lucas, dustin, aaron, and tyler. you want me to text them for confirmation or something?" he offered, his tone thick with disgust.

a tight smile pulled at her lips as she calmly asked, "and who else?"

his brows knitted together. "what?"

"who else was there, mike?"

he stared into her unrelenting hazel orbs for a long moment before sighing. "okay, georgina was there, but only because mallory came, and mallory and aaron have something going on. i didn't even talk to her."

"you didn't think you should tell me you spent your saturday night hanging out with your ex that still has feelings for you?" she queried, her voice revealing how truly upset she was.

he started to shake his head and defend himself, but a thought interrupted him. "wait, hold on. are you spying on me now? what the fuck?"

she barked a laugh, lightly shaking her head. of course he would focus on that. "no, i'm not spying on you. max told me. actually, lucas told her, and she called me asking how the fuck i was okay with that -- since apparently you told lucas i said i didn't care when he asked you about it." he said nothing, just looked away. "i mean, at least it's not just me you're lying to anymore. it's your friends, too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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