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Even in this small room, I couldn't supress the constant trembling that wracked my entire body head to toe. Really I should be used to this by now, locked in here for days on end with very little access to food or water. Not that I could force myself to eat even when I was close to starving. Nights I woke up drenched in sweat caused via my dreams or otherwise, feeling the need to  constantly vomit at the harrowing images that plagued my sleep. Even being in that tiny enclosed cage once made for a dog of large size that I'd grown accustomed spending considerable time was preferably  better than being in here;still at least I had a bed. Supposedly it was a significant upgrade by vampire standards, my Master would not approve claiming that such treatment would 'spoil me.'

Currently, I was left in the care of his brother since my rightful Master had been called away dealing with leader matters. Though capable by all means, it was quite evident that Kaspian had no idea what to with a human in his presence. He was not cruel in anyway, compared to his brother yet it was perhaps his inexperience that led my consecutive meals to be neglected for a few days at a time. Honestly it'd been a long while since I shrank from a stern vampire's gaze that I hoped my Master had forgotten about me altogether. Sadly, this was short-lived when I was greeted by a  morose-looking Kaspian,"He's coming back today." Of cause I already knew who that 'he' was and frankly I was aware this would occur soon or later.
"It will be better if you try to eat." He told me concernedly setting a plate of steaming croissants on the bedside table almost like a peace-offering. Even now  he was uncertain of how to react when it came to me, yet he offered a tentative smile knowing I wasn't fond of any physical contact at all.

Once Kaspian softly closed the door behind him, I felt my stomach flipover as if it were performing a set of cartwheels in a gymnasium. My breathing grew hitched and I struggled to get enough breathfuls of air to completely fill my lungs. Looking at the untouched croissants and their buttery  scent wafting through the room made me nauseous all over again. Still I forced myself the short walk to the bathroom just in time when my stomach emptied itself of the contence of last night's dinner. Unexpectedly I felt a pair of hands tangle themselves in my hair tucking the loose strands behind my ear. 'Thank you.' I said rather awkwarly as I had never uttered those words to Kaspian in the near 12 months I had been with him. Sensing my nervous state he merely nodded gesturing to the bath and it's array of expensive body treatments. 'Feel free to use anything here at your discretion.' Kaspian spoke before closing the door behind him.

Right, I probably needed a good wash but as much as the idea of a bubble bath was appealing, I stuck to a rapid shower. I brushed my teeth though I hadn't eaten anything put on my favourite salmon-pink hoodie and spent the remainder of my freedom lounging on the sofa reading a book Kaspian had gifted me.

It was almost late afternoon when I decided to go outside fancying a short walk though the gardens when I collided with a hard and unforgiving wall. I was nearly knocked of balance but two large hards reached out to grapple my sides, steadying me. Tentatively I peered up at those all too-familliar piercing eyes chills running down my spine when I heard the voice I had dreadedfor 12 months,"There you are, my little pet."

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