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Morning came all too quickly, I woke up refreshed from a decent night's sleep for the first time in what felt like forever. No sooner had I awaken, my stomach growled like a voriaous animal I supposed this is what happened when you hadn't eaten in over seven days. This morning marked over a week since my last meal but as well as this I had a pounding headache which made me far more reluctant to leave the warm sanctuary of the bed.

'Up, pet.' Master clicked his fingers rousing me out of my slumber.
'Five more minutes.' I mumbled into the pillow delving furthur into the duvet, bunded up like a caterpillar.
'Now, pet.' Master scowled counting to five before dragging my resisting body away from my cacoon.
'Master.' I protested trying to twist out his grip but he pinned my wrists holding them in place. 'Keep up this foolish disobedience and I won't hesitate to punish you right here, right now.' Master glowered in my ear and I knew full well not to test him aware that he would eagerly follow through with that threat.
'Sorry, Master.' I murmured meekly slipping back into my obedient self.
'I am still your Master and you will do as you're told.' He squeezed my wrists harder making sure his point hit home. I visibly winced willing him to let me go but he levelled his face to mine,'When we go to breakfast you will eat everything on your plate. I plan to drink from you later so you need your strength.' Judging by his temper now if I acted up he would be in no mood to be gentle with me later. I barely suppressed a shudder remembering the last few times he had fed from me before my stay with Kaspian. Master smirked having scared me back into submission he went to sit on the bed signalling for me to stand in front of him.

'Stay still, pet.' He ordered though I knew better than be anything but an unmoving statue as he secured the collar around my neck, on a tighter setting than yesterday. His fingers brushed against the new scar a reminder from his treatment of me yesterday. I shivered slightly just noticing now I was still wearing his shirt,'I need to change, Master.'
'You don't make demands to me, pet.' He seethed clearly thinking I was trying to wind him up again. 'And you if wanted to change so badly, you should have woken up sooner. We're leaving in two minutes so you'll just have to make do with my shirt.' He told me with a hint of a smirk.
'Can I at least wear my hoodie, Master?' I pleaded as he connected the leash to my collar,'No.' He snapped firmly taking my leash in his hand hauling down the hallways. I tried my best to keep up with him but it was evident he wasn't waiting to ensure I following right behind him.

On the short walk to the dining room, I was partially strangled the collar rubbing against my neck uncomfortably. 'Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.' Kaspian remarked upon seeing my Master's stormy expression. In silence, he took a seat immediately tucking into his meal, not bothering to check if I were eating. My leash was chucked carelessly at my side and I retreated into my quiet self barely uttering a single 'good morning' to Kaspian. 'You always know how to keep great company, Jett.' He commented halfway through a mouthful of food. Master muttered a non-commital response looking down at me for a few seconds eyes narrowing when I met his gaze. I hadn't even touched my breakfast.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a panicked looking pet screeched to a halt in front of Kaspian,'Nice of you to join us, Briar.' He greeted somewhat sarcastically. 'I'm sorry I'm late, sir.' She began to apologise but he cut her off mid-sentance,'Stop rambling and have a seat your food is getting cold.' She did as he said easing up a chair from the table, tucking into her food. I frowned down once again at my own full plate my stomach flipping itself over at the mere sight. 'Why is that sitting up at the table?' Master demanded reacting like Briar's presence was an insult. 'Get down.' He commanded clicking his fingers like he often did to me.
'Leave her alone, Jett.' Kaspian sighed clearly contemplating how much more peaceful it would be without Master present. 'Why can't she sit up at the table with us, sir?' Briar asked looking at where I sat on the floor. 'Jett forbids it.' Kaspian explained trying to offer me a smile sighing as he looked at his brother. Briar was about to ask another question but Master threw his cutlery down jaw clenched hard enough to hurt,' Don't tell me what to do with my, pet.' A pointed look at both of them,'What would our father to say, allowing royalty to dine in the presence of an animal.' Briar flinched keeping her gaze down at his harsh words.
'Thats enough,' Kaspian said his voice sounding strained,'Father isn't here to discuss anything, therefore whatever opinion he would be more than happy to endulge us with is irrelevant.'
Master took a sip from whatever was in his glass hurling it down hard enough that I was surprised it didn't shatter.
'Dont look at me, pet.' He scowled down at my position on the floor and I scooted away a little from his chair. This apparently only enraged him furthur jerking me back with a harsh tug on my leash. I yelped as the metal slapped against my skin the collar rubbing it red-raw. 'Master.' I whimpered trying to calm him down violent shaking taking over my entire body.

This was the Master that caused my nightmares the one whose return I had dreaded for nearly a year. And in less than 24 hours he was back. 'Why haven't you eaten your food?' He demanded eyes flashing with vampiric rage. 'You're scaring me, Master.'
He barked a laugh,'You should be afraid of me, pet. But that's not the response I asked for.' He grabbed hold of my collar forcing me kneel to between his legs,'Do I need to force food down your throat, fatten you up like humans do to those geese. Lock you up in the dark, your only purpose to be my little bloodblag.' He sounded like he genuinely meant these words and this thought alone terrified me to the very core. 'Well, would you like that, my little pet? You enjoy being degraded don't you.' He spat at my face not caring at the tears cascading down my cheeks. 'Pathetic little slut.' Master kicked my quaking body out from under his chair. 'Go back to my room, I'll deal with you later.' Not wanting to be here any longer, I obeyed stopping long enough to witness Kaspian standing to come after me. Don't. I mouthed to him not wanting my Master to take his rage out on his brother either.

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