Instant Regret

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There was no where to run absolutely nothing I could do as the vampire's arms caged my body against the wall pressing it horribly close my skin screeching in protest at any contact.
'Where is your attention right now, pet?' His eyes studied me with that scrutifying gaze which I always shrank from.
'On you, Master.' This in itself was a lie since I hadn't been focused on anything properly after what happened this morning. It had taken all my contenctration to simply step under the water oblivious to the scalding temperature.
'It doesn't seem that way; you have been distracted all morning.' I kept impossibly still when he lowered his mouth to my ear, his breath fanning down my neck.
'Are you lying to me?' His voice was softer than a caress dangerously low bristling with unsaid threats, leaving a pool of desire in me.

I disregarded of this feeling staight away, it was a parasite rendering myself speecheless as I frantically shook my head signifying my answer.
'No?' Master mused appearing stupified and for a moment I was oblivious to the oncoming storm gathering ahead. His mouth captivated my ear tugging it between his teeth as he nipped it making a strangled gasp exit my throat.
'I can always tell when you're lying; as if the growing stench of your fear wasn't evident enough. But your heartrate–' A claw-like nail tentavivley trailed past my breasts lingering a little before circling where my heart was located. Sweat dampened my back when the nail dug in slightly emitting a  pin-prick of blood to surface.
'It gives you away everytime.' Master leaned down lapping the blood up with his tongue causing his eyes to get that faint crimson tinge, like any vampire relishing live-blood. I couldn't hide my repulsion. He smirked noticing my shift in demonear as the pad of his thumb hovered over the wound once again. Bringing it to his lips, he sucked it profusely savouring every last droplet there was to offer, practically moaning at the sensation only terrifying me furthur. This sight alone was enough my to me recall almost hurling my guts up in the process.

'Oh no collar.' Master mused after noticing the absence of the leather round my neck that had pretty much choken me earlier. If he wasn't enraged before he was beyond mad now as his demanded,'What did I tell you yesterday, pet? When I put that collar round your pretty little neck.' I made an extreme effort to meet his gaze as I lowered my head displaying infinite remorse,
'That I couldn't take it off unless you did it for me, Master.'
'Very good you remembered,' The vampire patronised patting my head mockingly like I was some well-behaved dog but his tone darkened seconds later sending chills travel down my spine,'But I never gave you permission to remove that collar, did I pet?'
'No, Master.' I quaked in response,'I-I'm sorry–'
'If I wanted an apology; I'd ask for one.' He snapped curtly,'Tsk tsk you've become rather forgetful of the rules lately, pet. Perhaps it's time I reminded you of your place.'

Before I could even scream, his fangs desended into my flesh cutting deeper like a serrated blade. My shoulder sang in agony as he traced the vein then pierced it, sucking my blood into his awaiting mouth. This was the most roughest he had ever handled me and he merely continued not acknologiing my apologetic pleas or cries for mercy. Master drank deeper tugging harder at my vein nestling his head furthur into my neck all the while letting out pleasurable moans. Usually, I would always feel some sort of pain while being fed from this was unavoidable as a pet yet right now I was experiencing agony on a whole new degree. Sensitive to even the most subtle of contacts, my blistered skin was alight with fire the more furious Master grew, merging into a rabid animal in pursuit of my blood; behaviour very much frowned upon of the highest in vampire society.

A sudden adrelilne rush coursed through my veins, I attempted writhing out of his grip with the desperation of a netted fish being dragged on land yet my wrists were grabbed to no avail. Far from pleased, Master twisted them painfully tightening his grip right on the veins nearly making them pop out their sockets with the amount of strength he applied. My defiance only seemed to excite him as he squeezed the sides of my joints causing them to sing in agony. I yelped when shards of pain shot up my arm irritating my bitten shoulder which was still bleeding. Smirking, Master pinned my wrists above me, tracing the wound with his tongue sucking a little on the skin to draw out any remaining blood before he sealed it completely. His tongue ran over another underlying vein closer to the delicate column of my neck right under where the collar had resided rubbing the skin red-raw.

Master's fangs teterred ominously over my throat slow and teasing, hovering above my pulse line flucating up and down as my heart tried desperately to keep my legs from falling out beneath me, collapsing altogether. Pretty much only the vampire's vice-like grasp around my middle was allowing me to remain upright. An inscicor grazed my flesh slightly enough to draw blood but not with any amount of force to be harmful. He hummed in approval as he drank the trickle of blood eddying down my neck even relaxing a little just enough for me to bring my knee and shove it up where the light doesn't shine.

It appeared he was more surprised than anything else and I felt triumphant but that only lingered for a few seconds before he grabbed my neck practically choking me as I was hauled across the carpet all the way to the bed. No matter how hard I flung my legs or dug my feet into the rug searching for any ounce of friction I could use against his greater weight, I was brought infront of him next to the bed.
'I'm surprised and very very upset.' He scowled his voice alone chilling me to the core. In a span of a few seconds, I was chucked over his lap sprawled out across his thighs I froze like a deer caught in the headlights as when I felt him remove the towel just below my waist.
'Perhaps this will make you learn.'

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