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Longer chapter for my lack of updates~

In my mind I was safe, far away from this world of vampires an entire existance of nothing but greif, betrayal and pain again again. Each year a never ending cycle that repeats itself each time these 12 months restart, marking yet another loop of survival. Scars embedded on my flesh a constant reminder of the treatment people like me face every single moment of their lives; hardly ever a day goes by without feeling this dread that each morning you wake up maybe your last. For some this cycle repeats itself one too many times and they simply give up, the yearning hope for a brighter future a vibrant life drained from them remoninance of the blood taken from their veins. They end it before the life-sucking leeches get a chance to grow bored and slaughter them altogether. I should be grateful at least I got to experience some months without being ruled over by a complete tyrant, whom may just end me for his own amusement at any given moment, still that small period of time I had was better than most, a million's times better infact.

By now it must have been several hours since I hurriedly made my getaway from the dining room where'd I spent plenty of meals idly going through a poem or two that had caught my eye in Kaspian's vast exquistive library. After browsing through many famous names,  I'd aquried a taste for freestyle poetry which I often moddled in my own writing, the one thing in this world that could bring me peace of mind; albeit aside from now. Quite quickly, I'd realised I couldn't properly read with the constant parnoa of a certain vampire storming into the room at any moment. Therefore after minutes of my eyes constantly darting to the door, flinching at any monumental sound I finally barricaded myself in the luxury en-suit bathroom. Without even bothering to check if the tempature was scalding enough to give my skin third degree burns, I hopped under the sprout bringing my head up to knees as I knelt on the enamel shower stool. Tilting my head back, the water cascaded down my back and at this speed it was very much like I was being given a sports massage by skilled fingers, teasing out all the knots from my back. All the tension vanished from my muscles and I tried very hard to stifle a sigh of relief closing my eyes just as the bedroom door slammed open.

In an instant I was alert my heartrate piqued to an all-time high loud enough that I knew even the deafening trickle of the water going down the drain wouldn't muffle any noise I made, espiscally for an Apex vampire. And not a very happy one at that according to earlier. Of cause he had always drawn out a deep fear in me he was a vampire content to drain the blood from my veins if as much looked at him wrongly. I was a mere commodity: a food supply easily overpowered and replaceble; I should have been dead years ago. However now an entire wave of terror possessed me heightening to an irrational sense of oncoming trepidation sending mixed signals of survival to my brain.

In the room, I heard the thud of his heavy boots circling on the floor like he was in search of something a target of his rage right  now. This continued for a few seconds before I heard the pair of boots cease their movements just outside the bathroom door. No knock,nothing. The increasing silence only added to my growing unease and I huddled in the shower stall as far back as I could go, knees brought to my chest back pressed bitingly close against the wall.
'Come out here now.' There was no mistaking the direct order conveyed in Master's voice yet even if I wanted to I couldn't bring myself to leave the haven of the shower stall, temporary though it was.
'I'm going to count; if you aren't out that bathroom in ten seconds, then I won't hesitate to drag you out myself.'
Complete trembling overcame my body and I only listened as he counted lower and lower finally finishing on a deadening "10."

That door must have lasted at least 2 seconds when it finally caved in its resenilent efforts shattered in a matter of heartbeats. Reaching into the shower, Master hissed momentarily retracing his hand at the scalding water hit his skin. His fangs elongated at an unseen threat and he fuirusouly turned the dial shutting the water off, probably only realising the burn marks engraved on my body courtesy of the boiling water I'd spent ages sat under. I was blanked out so much I didn't process the pain my nerves seemingly numbed to any  feeling.

Taking hold of my wrist, the vampire wrenched me out of the shower probably only realising my stark-naked body void off any clothes. His eyes blackened into a pit of almost lust apparently transfixed by my curves yet I was too terrorstruck at this point to want anything other than to getaway from him. Getting a towel he thrust it round my shoulders none too mindful of the tender flesh scorched red and pink in places by the boiling water. Most likely in his mind it was the stupid little pet's fault again.
'I may need to start leashing you everytime we go out since I can't trust you to be obident.' Master remarked upon entering his bedroom bidding for me to wait by the door as he pulled a shirt from one of the many drawers along the wall. Naturally, I remained silent internally wincing everytime something brushed up minutely against my newly-pinked skin. I flinched as an object-presumably a peice of clothing-was thrown my way. Had he been taking this entire time and I hadn't taken notice? This question fogged in my mind briefly just as I spied a not-too-impressed vampire stiding towards me, red bleeding from his eyes, fangs elongated ready to take from my neck.

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