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My heartrate piqued at an all-time high as I beheld the dark eyes currently surveying my quivering body like I was a piece of meat fit for the taking. Instinctively, I flinched when I felt his rough scar-flecked fingers probe at my neck tracing the underlying vein beneath. His nails created a prickling sensation much like how his fangs felt scraping against the base of my throat before he carved into my flesh, careless to the absolute agony it caused.
'Tilt your head up for me.' He commanded pupils dilating at the prospect of quenching himself full on my blood. Pleased at my obvious compliance, Master nestled his head under my neck running his tongue along the skin where his nail had previously resided. I trembled violently in his hold preparing myself for the moment when his fangs would delve through my flesh most likely tearing my skin apart in his anticipation to drink from me.

In one swift movement, I was pinned against the wall wrists above me as Master continued his onslaught on my throat. His fangs desended and I barely had time to release a heart-wrenching scream before he latched onto my vein. The vampire's chest hummed in pleasure much like a purring cat and he squeezed my wrists tightly, clearly thrilled with how I tasted. After what seemed like hours passed, he pulled away lapping up any remaining blood then sealed the wound with his tongue.
'You taste even better than I remember, my little pet.' Master complimented approvingly releasing my wrists with a smirk. 
'Let's go see my brother, I must thank him for taking such care  good of you during my absence.'
He forced me inside watching as I eyed the book I'd been reading discarded in the centre of the couch. He moved it aside taking a seat on the sofa while clicking his fingers, singnalling that I should sit on the floor by his feet. I was very much a dog again conditioned to obey his beck and call and the heel of his boot pressing against my back was a constant reminder of the authority he hold over me.

'Hello Kaspian.' Master greeted pleasantly stroking my hair while I rested my head on his thigh, too humiliated to face Kaspian witnessing me like this.
'Jett.' His brother responded obviously unsure on how to react to his presence.
'I must say for having no knowledge of humans, you did take care of my pet rather well.' Master said slowly,'In fact I'd say you're ready for a pet of your own.'
'I have no use for a pet.' Kaspian's eyebrows furrowed like had he truly disregarded this thought before.
'Consider it a gift.' Master snapped his fingers making me jolt as two slave boys entered dragging a wide-eyed girl behind them 'I wasn't sure what type you were into, but she was the best they had to offer. Spectacular blood too.'
Kaspian truly looked sickened but Master stood dismissing the slaves with a sharp nod,'I'll leave you to get acquainted.' I wanted to quickly reach for the book tossed atop the table but Master raised his voice allowing no room for disobedience,'Come along, pet.'

Meekly I complied hurrying to follow him as I knew that he loathed being kept waiting, especially by a pet.
'Master,' My voice shook seeking for permission to speak.
'What is it, pet?' He asked turning round to face me. I kept my gaze down studying the floor,'Look at me when I ask you a question.' He took my chin in his hand bringing it up to meet his eyes.
'Why did you get Kaspian a pet?'
He hummed clearly thinking over my query,  deciding whether he'd grant me an answer it not. Numerous punishments had taught me before that it wasn't my place to ask any questions.
'Aside from you, Kaspian hasn't had the company of others for a while. He keeps himself to himself so I thought getting him his own pet could provide some sort of companship.' Well this was definitely different from the usual 'its none of your concern, pet' response I got. 'Does this answer your question?' He queried when I don't reply.
'Yes, Master.'
He nodded,'Good, now go inside.'
I did what I was told curiously looking round the room,  I'd never been in here before. Master shut the door behind him going to sit on the ridicously-sized bed.

While I was glancing at myself in the mirror a low voice interrupted my train of thought,'That colour suits you, you should wear it more often.'
'Pink?' I blurted fiddling with the hood at the back.
Master nodded,'This shade of pink, yes. It matches your skin tone.' He paused gesturing for me to come stand by the bed infront of him,'Come here so I can put this on you.' In his hand he held a sleek black collar with a matching leash both studded by some type of stone flaring silver when it caught the light. 'In case you get a little too disobediant and I have to drag you around, though I'm sure I won't have to do that will I, pet?' He asked seriously.
'No, Master.' I assured him keeping still so he could place the collar around my neck, feeling a little weird at first since I hadn't worn one of these for a while.
'Under no circumstances are you allowed remove that collar unless I do it for you, do you understand me, pet?' He demanded grabbing hold of my collar so his face was close to mine.
'I understand, Master.' He smirked at my submission pulling me so I fell onto his lap. Naturally, I tensed but Master wrapped his arms me so tight I could feel the sharp embrace of his muscles as he held my tiny frame into his chest.

Gradually, I relaxed a little closing my eyes when Master rested his chin on top of my hair inhaling my scent.
'It was weird spending all those months without you by my side. Displining you when you step out of line and rewarding you when you please me.' I was momentarily taken aback at his openess to me a question raised in my mind: had my Master missed me? I contemplated how wise it was to ask this aloud, as it was quite probable he meant that he missed tasting my blood, not myself explicitly. 'What are you thinking about? You look perplexed.' Master enquired I didn't want to answer him so I merely mumbled,'Nothing, Master.'
'Dont lie.' He warned squeezing my waist harshly I released a little squeak.
'I still expect you to be honest, pet.' He told me sternly eyes flashing with warning,'It is so obvious when you lie, your tiny heart rate peaks up and you sweat.' Master tapped on my chest simulating how my heart beat must have sounded to him. I buried my head in his jacket curling myself completely on his lap finally content enough to close my eyes. Master rubbed my back humming a little tune to himself which I found surprisingly relaxing. 'You have gotten skinnier, pet.' He remarked pressing his fingers into my ribs, feeling how easily the bones protruded throight my skin.I squirmed uncomfortably trying to get into my previous position again but he shifted my body so I was facing him. 'Well, have you been eating?' Master would have noticed my change in demonear so I debated telling him a half-truth,'Yes, Master.' I responded not meeting his gaze willing my heart beat remain as neural as possible.
'Hmm.' He mused not entirely convinced. 'We will be eating soon; best you get ready, pet.' He released my waist bidding me to stand,'Can I still wear my hoodie, Master?' I asked before I could stop myself.
'Of cause you can,' He confirmed,'Just make sure you look presentable.'
I nodded showing I'd heard. My hair was decently-looking so I carefully combed it out with my fingers smoothing out all the small knots that had accumulated since this morning.

Once Master had changed his attire several times finally deciding he was satisfied did we exit the room in silence. Of cause I knew what would happen if I misbehaved in anyway, so I clung to Master's side like a limpet. Apparently this seemed to create some sort of amusement since he began to inwardly massage my shoulders. I let out a hiss every now and then as he sorted out the knots but aside from that remained silent. Finally a servant called us to dinner and trailed Master down the hall, knowing there was no way I could get myself to eat.

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