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For the most part dinner passed in silence, Master only deigning to break the awkward quiet after an intake of whatever amber-coloured liquid brimmed in his glass. 'So have you thought of a name for it?' He indidcated Kaspian's new pet currently sat on the floor much like me picking at her food nervously. Kaspian looked half-inclined to allow her to have a seat at the table but he forced himself to say:
'If you mean my pet,well I'm sure she already has a name.'
'Most vampires choose their pets' names for them, after all they'd probably pick something unoriginal.' Master commented expressing his view that pets are incapable of choosing their own names given half the chance.
'I have no care to follow the usual traditions vampires subject humans to.' Kaspian spoke flatly disdain filling his words as if this whole vampire-pet concept sickened him. 'What about your pet, did she choose her own name?' Kaspian asked after a moments of silence. Master's eyes snapped down to where I was situated on the floor, my meal untouched at my side. They narrowed slightly as he took in my still-full plate,'Yes she did.' He responded unexpectedly tugging on my leash and lifting me on his lap,'When I first got her she was remarkably well-behaved so as a reward I allowed her the privellege of deciding her own name.' Master dug his fingers into my sides forcing me into complete submission as he held me against his chest. Compared to when he had fed from my blood earlier, he was severely more harsh and I couldn't help but tremble in his grasp.

Across the table Kaspian sent me a fleeting pitiful look but it vanished as soon as it had come.Not bearing for him and his pet to witness me like this, I hid my face in Master's shirt seeking some sort of comfort for the repercussions I knew lay ahead. Of cause Master had none to give as he held me his grip unbearably tight. From the very start Master had never been one to be idle with delivering punishments, especially when I had greatly displeased him now as he had already been suspicious of my eating habits.
Unable to get comfortable I simply sat there while the vampires resumed their conversation, Master informing Kaspian of just how he settled the rebel uprising, apparently some corrupt vampires "going rogue", whatever that meant. My trepidation piqued however when Kaspian changed the subject to me.
'Your pet has shown a great interest in writing, a talent that is harder to find nowadays.' I froze completely as Kaspian produced some slips of paper, elligably enscibed in my own hand, though I'd thought I'd hidden them thoroughly he must have found them in my room, 'I chose a few I particularly enjoyed if you wouldn't mind hearing them.' Kaspian looked at us both clearly seeking approval. It wasn't my choice however when his brother answered first.
'Go ahead.' Master bid him to continue inclining forward slightly to listen.

'I sit by the window
Looking through that thin pane of glass
In search of another new day
Dawn finally breaks
My mind lost in a wonder
To the rain outside relentlessly falling
Steady pitter-patter down on those silent streets
Empty save for those who dare step out
Long lost ghosts embarking on a forgotten quests
After all it's hard to pity those already dead.'

Each word was wonderfully reversed almost like Kaspian had taken great care in expressing imaginery I had feverishly written in the stanza only satisfied when I'd done three or four re-writes. Even now though it was far from done I still had a goal of making a longer poem instead of short and sweet like this one.
'Its very vivid.' Master remarked some hint of surprise evident in his voice but he carried on trailing his hands down my arm,'Did you teach her that?'
'No.' Kaspian replied,'I've only given her some of my books to read, so perhaps she learnt from techniques from them,which  reminds me.' He reached out across the table,'I saw you were interested in dystopian fiction judging by the titles you read from my library.' Kaspian said and I was honestly impressed he had even my noticed.
'The Handmaid's Tale is probably my favourite.' I told him aware I was speaking out of turn.
'I need to read that some time if it's as good you say it is.'
'Jett, may I?' He glanced to his brother obviously seeking permission. Master merely nodded reclining back in his seat as I settled the new books in my lap.
'Thank you, Kaspian.' I smiled graciously wanting to read the new titles straight away. 'You're welcome, well I best be going it's late. See you tomorrow, Jett.' Kaspian stood gesturing for his pet to follow as the door shut behind them.

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