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'You will count.' Was all the warning I received before I felt a seering blow to my backside. He had hit me. My momental surprise was soon overcome by pain as several more swats were delivered to my unprotected tender flesh.
'Until you count then.' Master announced icily calm as he dug his fingers into my hips making me wince as he raised his hand down on my ass many times in a row. I bit my lip tears pricking to my eyes; in all my life I had never been subject to something quite like this. It was just so wrong a sudden realisation told me this would be the worse punishment I would ever endure.

At my lack of response, Master was growing impatient laying on the hits a lot more heavily than he had originally began with. Master swung his hand down on the unprotected flesh again furthur scoring it to a brighter red than even the burns had given me.
'Master.' I cried nearly full on bawling from the pain now all the hits having added a fire of stinging on my backside.
'Count.' Came repeating his voice never ceasing his mericess hitting. I shook my head furiously earning a dozen particularly hard swats landing in rapid succession one after the other. I kicked out with my legs desperate to get off his lap but he held a grip of iron moving his leg to pin mine in place while squeezing his nails into my flesh harsh enough to leave bruising.

'One.' I forced the words out and Master paused and I didn't have time to imagine the smirk on his face.
'Start over and thank me for each one.'
Seriously? I gritted my teeth swallowing any remaining pride I had as I nodded.
'Yes, Master.'
He raised his hand resuming a usual rhythmn moving to different places now and again to equally spread the pain. It was like he had some experience with this.
'Ten thank you Master.' I bit out trying my best to stay still while my lower half was on fire. He went from left to right alternating between each cheek smacking them both enough I knew they'd be a matching shade of crimson.
'Twenty thank you, Master!' I cried nearly jolting off his lap in agony as he had used all his strength in those final hits.
'Good.' Master praised,'I won't hesitate to do this again if I feel you are getting out of line. Now get that bottle of water and sit in front of me.'

Trembling, I obeyed not wanting to wind up over his knee again or at all for that matter. Making sure the towel didn't unravel and add to my humiliation, I quickly found the water he had told me about situated upon his desk almost like it'd been left there deliberately. Bottle in-hand, I returned to my Master's side feeling my stomach double over upon seeing the water as I handed it to him. Would I get a punishment if I refused to drink? I paled externally at the thought the pounding headache that'd bothered me for days becoming substantially more noticeable. It only worsened when Master held the bottle to my parched lips imploring me to take a few sips. I tried I genuinely tried yet my mouth wouldn't coordinate it stayed there stubborn despite my brain willing it to open. Tears sprung to my eyes yet again in the span of a few minutes I blinked them away attempting to take the water once again.
'Just try to swallow.' Master encouraged superprsingly gentle not attempting to forcefully prise my lips apart like last time.
'It-Its like I want it to open but it won't.' I said voice extremely raspy like my throat was noticing day's worth of lack of hydration, plus my lower half would kill to bathe in some ice-cold substance right now. I was still attired in this damn towel.

After continuing this for a few minutes, Master sighed taking the bottle away propping it back on the desk. Rummaging through the drawers, Master tossed some black jeans and matching hoodie onto the bed leaving me to change as he went in the bathroom. I very much wanted to wear my salmon-pink hoodie but was fearful if Master would deem this a motive nesessary for another punishment. Regretting the shower I'd taken earlier, I hissed when the fabric rubbed against my skin wishing I could walk round naked with no repercussions just to welcome the relief of fresh air breezing past my body. Shortly, Master was finished whatever he was doing and out of instinct I established some distance between us.
'Are we going back to the mansion today, Master?' I enquired tentavivley.
'No.' He replied,'We're leaving first thing tomorrow; I have some matters to discuss with my brother.' He didn't elaborate so I didn't ask, it wasn't my place to anyway.
'Can I see Briar?' I blurted before I could stop myself.
'Who?' His eyes met mine.
'Kaspian's pet.' I added dropping my gaze.
'If he is fine with it.' Master said not noticing my surprise,'In fact go and check with him now.'
'Yes, Master.' I nodded wincing slightly as I stood up heading to the door, knowing exactly where Kaspian should be.

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