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Harry didn't like adults; he didn't trust them. He wanted to but after his childhood with the Dursleys, he found it hard to believe adults could actually help. Which is why he told Ginny no. He couldn't tell Sirius what was happening, he was impulsive and would only get into more trouble. As such Ginny suggested her parents, they may be in Dumbledore's pocket but even they wouldn't let any harm come to Harry. Still, Harry vetoed it. He didn't go to adults. Period. This left Ginny in a very awkward position, a position she didn't really want to be in. So that left Ginny with only one option, an option Harry was surprisingly on board with. To tell the twins.
As such, they left the bank, with the Goblins agreeing to completely shut off Dumbledore's access. The two then wandered through Hogsmeade to the Three Broomsticks. Harry stopped at the door
"Are you sure they're in there?" he asked. Ginny nodded
"Yeah, it's near the end of the day, after going to Zonkos they come here and show Lee what they purchased. You stay out here in case Ron and Hermione are in there, I'll be out in a moment" Harry nodded and moved into the shadows as Ginny walked inside. The pub was loud, incredibly so. It was also very busy so it took Ginny a moment to locate her brothers. That wasn't before she saw Ron and Hermione though before they could see her, she ran behind the bar. Madame Rosmerta stared at her for a moment before shaking her head and muttering about Weasleys.

At first, she thought no one had seen her, that was until Lee sat down beside her.
"You know that hiding behind the bar is highly suspicious" he quipped. Ginny rolled her eyes. She liked Lee, he had spent many a summer at their house, pranking with the twins. He always let her join in.
"Yeah, I don't suppose you could do me favour?" Ginny asked. Lee raised an eyebrow
"Oh, dear little Weasley, I could but what's in it for me?" he asked. Ginny scoffed
"Well... I could tell Professor McGonagall about you skipping last week's lessons to sneak into the staff room and plant Dung bombs" she whispered. Lee ran a hand through his hair
"What do you want?" he asked.
"I need you to tell the twins to meet me outside, it's urgent" Lee suddenly sat up straight.
"Are you hurt?" he asked. Ginny shook her head
"Nobody is hurt don't worry but I really need the twins help. Tell them it's family business" she urged. Lee nodded and made a move to stand up. "Where should I tell them to meet you?" he asked. Ginny pondered it for a moment
"Tell them to meet me near the Shrieking shack" Lee nodded and then disappeared into the crows as Ginny tiptoes past Ron and Hermione. She then left the building.

Thirty minutes later found Ginny, Harry and the twins outside the Shack. Harry then led them inside, much to their dismay. Whilst dragging them inside he explained that the house wasn't actually haunted, rather a hideout for Lupin. He warned them that it may look unruly but it was safe. Once they entered the main room Fred conjured four chairs.
"So, what's happened?" he asked. Ginny and Harry looked at each other before launching into an explanation. They explained that over the summer Ginny and Harry became close. This had a knock-on effect as due to his friendship with Ginny, Harry had decided to stand up for himself. He had put Ron and Hermione at an arm's length, to protect both himself and them. He had found out that he had a Horcrux inside of him and that a similar object possessed Ginny in the first year. At this Fred and George began to feel a wave of anger they didn't know they possessed. It only intensified when they found out that Dumbledore was indeed a master manipulator. Once Harry had finished explaining his story Fred began detailing plans to end Dumbledore's career. George on the other hand pulled Harry and Ginny into a hug before studying Harry's hand.

"Fred shut up a second. Harry, have the goblins offered you any solutions in regards to the Horcrux and or Umbridge?" Harry gulped.
"They say that usually, the sword of Gryffindor can kill a Horcrux. That I am the first known human Horcrux to be made. I... uh... they said that they think Dumbledore wants Voldemort to kill me. As usually only the person that made the Horcrux can destroy it. As for Umbridge, they said they can order her arrest but honestly that wouldn't do anything. It would just add more ammunition to call me a liar." George sighed at Harry's hesitance. He had known Harry for about five years and he had noticed some things that others might not have. Harry hated attention Still, this was something that needed attention. "So, what would you like to do?" He asked. Harry thought about it for a moment, he turned to look at the youngest Weasley.
"Perhaps we can use it to our advantage. Most people won't be getting a good education with Umbridge, using that can bring people together. We can enact Sirius's plan." "Harry You are a genius," Ginny exclaimed.
"Right Fred, I need you to be the best prankster you can possibly be. You need to make Umbitch's life hell. George he'll need your help but do you still want to be a healer?" she asked. George nodded.
"Good because Harry and I are about to start an all-out assault on the wizarding world prejudices and you'll be called up to help."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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