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The media frenzy that followed Harry's release was astronomical. When he was being blasted for underage magic he could walk the streets whilst people glared at him. Now however people swarmed him, telling him they believed in him all along. It didn't get any better when school finally started either. All Harry wanted to do was spend his final weeks at home with Sirius and Ginny, but it seemed impossible. If it wasn't his 'best friends' mithering him it was the order clearly trying to keep things from him. Then, oh then when he entered the Hogwarts express it was children telling him that he now owned the ministry. It was ridiculous! Just last year these people were calling for his blood. They called him a liar who only wanted attention and blamed him for Cedrics passing. It was funny how fickle peoples minds truly were.

His only saving grace was Ginny, she had locked them both in a compartment with Luna and Neville. Harry was happy to say that sitting with them was rather pleasant. It was strange, he had known Neville since he was eleven, but the train ride was the first time he had truly gotten to know him. He wasn't just a boy who loved plants, he was actually rather intelligent. On the ride he also got to know Luna, whilst she seemed weird at first she grew on him. Luna was the only person Harry could remember meeting that never once looked at his scar or did a double take at his name. It was rather refreshing.

When they arrived at Hogwarts Harry felt sad, sure he missed the castle, but he was rather enjoying his conversation with his newfound friends.

Once he reached Hogwarts he bade goodbye to Luna who wondered over to the Ravenclaw table and he sat beside Ginny and Neville. Not a moment later Hermione and Ron came over and Neville got up.
"Neville where are you going?" Harry asked. Neville looked down
"It's just... you always sit with Ron and Hermione... I just thought you would want to sit with them is all" Harry's breath was caught in his throat.
"Neville if I were going to sit with them I would move. Never would I get you to move that's just cruel besides there is room opposite us..." Neville gulped and sat down. Ron and Hermione smiled and sat across from them.
"How was prefect duty?" Harry asked. Hermione grinned whilst Ron scowled.
"Awful, you'll never guess whose been made Slytherin prefect!" he growled. Harry chuckled
"Malfoy! Of all the slimy disgusting people in Slytherin they had to choose him!" Ron complained. Harry rolled his eyes.
"Slytherin aren't slimy or disgusting Ron, it's a house. They're ambitious it's what they do besides like anyone other than Malfoy would have made the cut. He's got high grades, does quidditch and his dads buddies with Snape." Harry didn't look up, but he could feel Ron, Hermione, and Neville shocked expressions.
"You're... defending Slytherins" Hermione asked. Harry shook his head
"No... I'm just sick of all the fighting. I don't get it. Look there are more important things going on and besides over the summer Padfoot made me realise what's really important. School and staying alive. For the past four years I haven't been able to learn much due to you know nearly dying every year. I think it's time I changed that" the silence that followed his speech was deafening. That was until a squeal interrupted the blanket of silence.
"Oh Harry I am so, so proud of you! It seems like padfoot really is stepping up" Harry laughed at her enthusiasm. Ron meanwhile glared at Harry and then to Ginny.
"What have you done to my best friend?" Ginny simply smiled.
"I showed him the error of his ways" at this Harry scoffed.
"Oh please like you pay any attention in school" Ginny narrowed her eyes at the boy.
"Wanna bet Potter, I bet that by the end of term I'll have higher grades than you"
"Yeah only because fourth year is easy"
"Didn't seem easy when you failed potions"
"Yeah... cause Snape hates me."
"Snape hates everyone!"
"Touché... if that's how you want to play it Weasley you are on!." The two then shook on it whilst Neville laughed.
"So when did you two get together?" he asked. Ron's eyes widened and he spit out his drink.
"WhAt?!" he yelled. Harry and Ginny who were now covered in Ron's spit and pumpkin juice wiped their faces.
"Oh please, I wouldn't touch Harry with a ten-foot pole" Ginny spat. Harry laughed
"Says the girl who was so nervous she couldn't talk to me" Harry said. Ginny sent daggers at him
"No, I was nervous to talk to the boy who lived, who, by the way won't be living much longer if he carries on!" she seethed. Harry held his hands up in mock surrender.
"Okay Ginny just remember at one point you thought I was a divine hero" Ginny groaned. Over the summer the two had become close and as such had opened up to each other. Which included Ginny's embarrassing rendition of poetry. She never dared tell him that Riddle helped her write it, however.

Hermione stared at the two in interest, yes it was true they had become close over summer, but she never realised just how close. It was nice to see Harry smile, truly smile. She hadn't seen his smile in a while, as she turned to Ron however she saw that he was ready to blow a casket. Residing she placed a hand on his arm, he turned to her puzzled.
"Let them have this Ron..." she whispered.
"No... we all know dark times are coming. Let him have a little fun before it does" she pleaded. Ron's shoulders slumped as he took in what she said. He didn't like watching his best friend and little sister 'flirt', but he supposed yelling at them wouldn't accomplish anything. Hermione was right; Harry was going to face a long narrow road soon enough. If being friends with Ginny helped him with that then Ron would have to silently let them be friends. He had done enough damage to his friendship last year as it was and after having a talk with his mother over summer he realised the best thing he could do for Harry was to support him, however if Ginny and Harry started dating there would be hell to pay. 

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