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In the weeks that passed Harry and Ginny grew closer, once she revealed to him that she understood where he came from. At first, he thought otherwise but when she explained the kind of things Voldemort had done to her, he realised just how alike they were. Alongside this Sirius had taken Harry aside and decided to train him. It wasn't the best training as Sirius himself was a little rusty, but Harry had learned more about the magical world. He learnt things that tinted his starry-eyed view of the castle that he once called home. He was in the middle of a lesson on ancient and noble families when Kreacher appeared.

"Master Sirius, the order is looking for Harry!" he said, respectfully. Harry who was now used to the fact that Kreacher and Sirius got along stared at the elf. He jumped up and Sirius vanished the desk and learning equipment's as Harry ran out the room,

He found the order in the dining room, attempting to act casual. The order turned to him
"Hey" Harry said, Mrs Weasley wandered over to him
"Harry, where have you been!" she exclaimed. Harry shrugged, nonchalant
"I was with Sirius, he was telling me stories about my parents and helping me with homework"

"Homework!" Ron exclaimed. Harry nodded
"I know I don't usually do it till the night before, but I figured I should probably get a head start, considering its our OWL year and with Voldemort and what not I probably won't have much time to catch up if I fall behind." At his reasoning Hermione's face lit up whilst everyone else looked to him in concern. Arthur placed a hand on Harrys shoulder.
"Harry, son you really shouldn't worry about he-who-must-not-be-named, that's what the order is for" Harry wanted to ease Arthurs mind, out of everyone in the order Arthur was someone that Harry truly respected but he just couldn't.
"With all due respect Mr Weasley you're not the person whose blood helped him rise again, nor are you someone who Voldemort has attacked on five different occasions, I'm not saying that I'm going to go and hunt him down, I'm just saying he'll probably try to hurt me again." Arthur looked resigned. He was happy Harry wasn't on a warpath, but he still wanted Harry to live a normal life.

Mrs Weasley however turned red
"Harry, has Sirius said something to you about Voldemort?" she seethed. Harry bristled, why did she hate Sirius so much. She did have a point, Sirius had told both he and Ginny about the prophecy, or what he knew about it. Harry couldn't let them know that though.
"No Mrs Weasley" he said. She looked at him, as if trying to read his soul.
"I don't think you should be spending so much time with Sirius, he isn't the best influence" Harry wanted to scream at her that, that was unfair and that she shouldn't judge him but didn't. He instead looked her dead in the eye and said
"I understand your concern Mrs Weasley, Sirius is my godfather however and I can learn thing about my parents from him, you surely don't expect me to miss out on the opportunity to learn about them, do you?" Harry's eyes turned sad and Mrs Weasley melted. She held her arms out and brought Harry into a hug.
"Oh you poor child, of course, I didn't think about it like that, I'm sorry" Harry hugged her back.
"It's okay" she then let him go. Harry's eyes skated over the rooms inhabitants, he skimmed past Ginny who was holding in laughter before landing them back on Mrs Weasley.
"I'm just going to go and prepare for my hearing, Hermione leant me some books on wizard law, I know Dumbledore has something planned but I want to be prepared as best as I can" he then turned and left the adult staring at his retreating figure.

Ginny found him in his room, knee deep in books. She snickered
"You should know mum is crying at how proud she is of you" Harry looked up at the girl and grinned.
"Better than yelling at me about Sirius" he quipped.
"I'd like to say she only does that because she cared but I think we all know whose influencing her." Harry looked down, he like Ginny's mother, he really, really did but the women held too much stock in the aged headmaster for Harry to trust her. Harry said nothing back to Ginny as she grabbed a book herself and began to read. An hour later found them both a quarter of the way through the books they were meant to be reading. Harry sighed
"Any luck on finding Dobby?" he asked. Ginny shook her head
"Any luck on getting in contact with Bones?" Harry shook her head
"No she's on carers leave, Susan is sick. Her replacement is a true Fudge supporter so no luck there"
"We'll figure this out Harry" she reassured him. Harry sighed, he wanted to believe her but he knew that the ministry wouldn't give him a fair trial.
"I wish Dudley was magical so we could place him under vertiasirum" Ginny laughed
"Yeah, imagine all the secrets we could make him spill" Harry grinned.
"Oh I'd make his life hell" he cackled, Ginny laughed and together they both broke into hysterics. When they sobered up Harry frowned
"What happened if I get expelled Ginny? I may not like Dumbledore anymore, but Hogwarts was the first home I ever had. Magic is my escape... I don't want to lose it." Ginny pulled him into a hug
"If it comes to that we'll run"
"We?" he asked. Ginny laughed
"Of course Harry, I know you haven't seen me as a friend for a long time but when I started on my quest to make you aware of those in your life manipulating you I made a promise to myself. I made the promise that I would stand by you come rain or shine, come fight and peace." Harry grinned, Ginny was fastly becoming his best friend and he knew that without her his life would be drastically different. He would still be a slave to Dumbledore and unaware of the true beauty of the magical world. He kissed her cheek.
"I'll forever be glad we're friends Gin" Ginny grinned
"Right enough sappiness, lets save your sorry arse" and then they dived back into the books.

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