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To say Harry was nervous would be an understatement, he was terrified. The amount of people in the room was overwhelming and he knew that every one of them wanted to see him drown. Harry had no intention of drowning however and held his head high, marching towards his seat. After a moment, Fudge banged his gavel.
"Order in the court, I hereby call this hearing to order, for the record please state your full name and date of birth" he said to Harry. Harry took a deep breath
"Harry James Potter, 31st July 1980" he said. Fudge then turned a toad-like woman to his left
"And the charges?" he asked. The toad like woman coughed and opened a folder
"One count of underage magic, one count of breaking the statue of secrecy and count of magic with the intent to harm a muggle" Harry held back a scoff at the last charge, he should have known they would play him as a villain, Harry held his tongue as the court produced evidence against Harry. Harry just waited, cringing at the stupidness of it all. When it came to his turn to defend his actions he stood up, dusted himself down and stared the court in the eyes.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I am sure you have heard many stories about me, ranging from being a saint to as being as bad as Voldemort himself" he smiled as people gasped.
"I beg of you however to listen to what I have to say and not judge me based on what other have said about me." He pointed to Fudge
"As our esteemed prime minister has pointed out, I do not get along with my family and I am sure my friends will collaborate that to. I, however do love them, why else would I go back every year? I look at the evidence before me and I am skeptical, how do you have proof of what I did? I am not denying the use of a Patronus, it is clear as day that yes, indeed I did produce magic on the night in question, why you ask? well it's simply because I was under attack by a Dementor." At his declaration the crowd erupted. Some called him a liar and a coward whilst other looked confused. Fudge glared at the boy as he quieted the crowds, when they stopped yelling he turned attention to the fifteen-year-old.
"What you are saying is preposterous, the dementors are under the ministry's control"
"Oh please, you're not even under the ministry's control Prime minister." Fudge roared
"I AM THE MINISTRY" Harry laughed at him.
"Oh, come on prime minister we all know whose lining your pockets and its certainly not for anything good, an ex-death eater lining the pockets so that you'll turn the other way isn't exactly the best image of our ministry is it." Harry grinned at the look on everyone's faces, somewhere red with anger and indignation at what he was suggesting, others were finally opening their eyes to the truth.
"This is not about me, this is about you pleading guilty to a crime and since you can produce no witness stating that it was in self-defense then I think it is time to sentence you." Harry laughed even louder at this.
"I do actually, may I please produce my first witness, Arabella Fig" Fudge glared
"We need to cross examine the witness Mr. Potter, a witness which was not produced in the preliminary hearing."
"How exactly was I meant to tell you I was bringing a witness? when I was charged I was never given a lawyer." Fudge sighed
"Wizards usually represent themselves Mr. Potter"
"How was I meant to know that Mr. Fudge, I grew up in a muggle household. In fact, this whole thing is a farce, I was never offered any help in getting to the ministry, a place I have never been. I was never told if I could have a lawyer, as an underage wizard I should have some form of legal representation. What else is a farce is the fact that my trial was changed at last minute, if it wasn't for some kind worker telling me I would never have known, no doubt a move to discredit me, how about the fact that my trail is held in the department of mysteries. A place reserved for murders and rapists. You are breaking the law holding my hearing here as underage wizards are not allowed in the department of mysteries Fudge" at this there was more out roar and women Harry recognized as Amelia Bones stood up.
"ENOUGH, Mr. Potter, we shall cross examine the witness during our break, court is dismissed until the morning. Harry I'm afraid you will have to be detained in one of our lower cells, due to your effect to dementors we will not be placing you in Azkaban, instead we will place you in the Auror holding cells." Harry nodded and said nothing as he was frog marched out of the room, past a worried looking Mr. Weasley, a furious Dumbledore and a confused looking Percy.

As he fell asleep that night he planned a battle strategy in his head, if his plan worked, he'd have a vote of no confidence for Fudge, a vote of confidence from the public and will be free from all charges brought against him.

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