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For the next two weeks Harry found himself dodging the people he once called his best friends. It was petty he knew but he didn't know if he could trust them. They had alienated him all summer and were one hundred percent in Dumbledore's pocket. In fact, his plan was just to avoid them and when asked play it off as teenage angst. Ginny had made a valid point against this however. In order for their plan to work Harry needs to be friends with Ron and Hermione. As such Harry found himself in his bedroom as his best friends apologised to him again. Harry shrugged
"It's okay, I was just angry, but I understand why you did it" they visibly relaxed at his acceptance of their apology. Hermione pulled him into a hug
"For the record we didn't agree with it but when Dumbledore asks you to do something... you know how it is." Yes, he did know, he knew all too well. Harry pulled away
"Yeah" Ron glanced around at the books that littered the bedroom floor.
"Mate, when did you turn into Hermione?" he asked. Hermione smacked him, and Harry laughed
"I want to be prepared Ron, the trial is next week, and you know I wasn't raised as a wizard. Sirius made me realise being ignorant of wizarding law can be just as detrimental as not turning up to my trial at all." Hermione beamed at him.
"Oh my, Sirius really is showing his true colours!" she complimented. Harry grinned, he had planted the seed of doubt in Hermione's head, now to exploit it.
"Yeah, he's not really as bad as people make him out to be. He's really helped me out a lot this summer, I felt alienated and he let me in. He showed me my parents photo albums and pictures of me as a kid. He also made sure I did my homework, it seems like he's really trying to step up as my godfather... you know it's kind of nice." Hermione nearly cried, it seemed she had misjudged the older man. It seemed she had misjudged Harry even more, he didn't want to hang around Sirius because he was cool and dangerous but because this man had shown love. She put a hand on his shoulder
"You know, I'm happy for you Harry, you should be able to talk about your parents" Harry nodded as Ron scoffed.
"Yeah but he's still completely barmy" Harry glared at him.
"You would be too if you spent thirteen years around dementors, I spend five minutes around them and I'd go insane. Sirius is strong" Ron held his hands up
"Sorry mate" Harry scowled
"Yeah, well if that's all I'm off to finish preparing" then he stormed out the room. Hermione turned to Ron
"Well done Ronald!" she growled. Ron looked at her confused.
"We're supposed to be winning back his trust, not annoying him." then she too left Ron behind.

Before Harry knew it, it was the day of the trial. He had sent Arthur to buy him a suit from Diagon Alley, which he now wore. He entered Ginny's room, the girl chuckled
"Don't you look dapper!" Harry blushed, he knew the suit was a bit excessive, but he wasn't going to go to the trial in scrubs. He looked up as Ginny fixed his tie.
"Is everything in place?" he asked. Ginny nodded and gulped, she really hoped that their plan would work. If it didn't Harry would lose everything, and he had already lost so much.
"Harry" she started, her deep woeful eyes staring into his bright green ones.
"I know" he said before kissing her forehead and walking away.

The ministry was a grand place, great sculptures stood glistening in the light which awed Harry, but he couldn't focus on them at the time. Instead he focused on the task at hand, after handing in his wand he followed Mr Weasley to the lift. At this point they were intercepted by a wizard who told them that the time and venue of his hearing had changed. This had sent both Harry and Mr Weasley sprinting towards the department of mysteries. Aurors came running towards the pair, to escort Harry to his hearing. Arthur turned to the boy
"This is where I leave you Harry" he whispered, Harry nodded and shook Mr Weasleys hand
"Whatever happens today, I'm glad I met you" and the Harry turned and marched into the lion's den, leaving Mr Weasley praying that he'd be okay.

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