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Harry liked to believe that he could follow his plan but as he woke up the next morning he wasn't so sure. He was tired when he woke up and he felt weaker than he did the night before. He supposed being woke up every two hours to make sure he was still alive would have something to do with it.

He woke up slightly bleary eyed, he found Tonks stood over him.
"Get up Mr Potter, I'm here to escort you to the showers" Harry blinked confused before realising she was on auror duty. He stood up, slightly unsteady.
"Erm, of course"
"Please follow me" and so he followed her. He followed her out of his cell and across the bullpen where aurors stared at him. Some in concern and some in surprise. Harry ignored them and followed Tonks into a room at the far end of the bullpen. Once she was in there Tonks unshackled Harry's wrists and turned to look him in the eyes.
"On the bench next to the locker is a spare set of clothes, you have ten minuets to get changed and dressed or I'll come in and drag you half naked in front of the aurors" Harry nodded, meekly. He was slightly scared at the way Tonks was acting, she wasn't the clumsy, cheerful girl he was used to.

When she left he jumped under the hot water to try and soothe his nevres, once again running over the plan. After five minuets he switched off the hot water and got changed into the clothes left for him. A crisp, white shirt and black pants, blazer and shoes. When he was changed he ran his fingers through his hair before opening the door.

For the next fifteen minuets he followed Tonks in silence until they once again reached the departments of mysteries. She turned to look at him
"Good luck Harry"
"Thank you" ans then Tonks held out her hand to shake Harrys hand, confused Harry shook her hand only to find something in his hand when he pulled away. Tonks then handed Harry over to two burly men who pushed him into the room.

It took a while for things to get started as the jury were reminded of the events of the previous day. Harry nodded along to Fudge, when he announced that Harry's witness was allowed in the court Harry sat up straight as in walked Arabella Figg. Fudge banged his gravel to silence the court,
"Silence! The witness has been cross examined and found sound of mind." He them replayed the events of the previous day to refresh everyone's memories. He then turned to Arabella
"Miss Figg, you have been called to testify about the night in question, please tell us you're account of the events. "

The elderly women wrung her hands and began her story.
"Well you see it started off as a normal evening but suddenly everything went cold and it felt... it felt like all the happiness had gone from the world. I heard a shout and decided to go and see who it was, i may be a squib sir but i couldn't leave a muggle defenceless. When i got there there was a dementor, he was trying to kiss Dudley but Harry Potter fought him off, so you see if he had done nothing a muggle would be dead now." The room went quiet, Harry smirked. Nobody knew quite what to say as it seemed Harry was indeed wrongly charged. 

Miss Bones decided enough was enough and stood up to address the court. 
"The court have removed the memories of this event from Mrs Figg and it seems that she is telling the truth. As this is the case we shall take a vote, all in favour of dropping all charges against Harry Potter say aye" the vote was unanimous, nobody thought the teen deserved to be charged. 

"In that case on behalf of the ministry we offer our sincerest apologies Mister Potter and as our penance for this grave mistake we offer you the sum of 6 thousand Galleons and a public statement made by the minister himself will be made addressing the public on this miscarriage of justice." Harry smirked, now the ball was in his court.

"Madam Bones that is very generous indeed but if i may can i offer an alternative?" Bones shrugged, anything to keep the Potters power from crumbling the ministry.

"I an very grateful that you wish to pay for the miscarriage of justice upon me but i do not need the money, you can give it to charity if you wish. What i do desire is the banishment of the dementors, regardless of whether you believe my claims about Voldemorts return the dementors are clearly not under ministry control" at his proclamation Fudge turned a nasty shade of purple.

"Now you listen here Potter, we control the dementors we always have, how dare you question us in such a way!" 

"With all due respect if you had control then a dementor would not have tried to kill my cousin sir." Fudge turned an even deeper shade of purple but before he could retaliate Bones relied for him.

"Mister Potter, we can not get rid of the dementors without the required talks ad passing of legislation, we will however be having those talk as this has been a serious breach of our contract with the Dementors. In regards to the money we will distribute it over charities of your choice. As of now i formally declare you free of all charges" Harry nodded in thanks and as he turned to leave the court behind he breathed a sigh of relive. It had worked, he was free.

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