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As it turns out dark times approached faster than they anticipated. Dark times by the name of Dolores Umbridge. Harry didn't really hate many people, not even Voldemort. He disliked a lot of people sure but other than Wormtail he never really, truly hated anyone. That was until a toad of a witch entered the defence against the dark arts classroom. That was until she told students they didn't need to learn practical work if they studied the theory hard enough. Of course, Harry knew why Umbridge was at the school, Hermione had explained it easy enough. Hell, even Sirius had explained it to Harry through letters. He had also told Harry to keep his head down and not to do anything rash. Which in Harrys opinion was very hypocritical, he did as he was told however until one lesson. One lesson that changed everything. The fifth years had of course gone inside the classroom and sat down. It was time that they learned about the unforgivable, at least the aftereffects of the unforgivable. Harry didn't care much for the lesson as Mad Eye had taught them last year. What he did care about however was the fact she had zeroed in on Neville.
"Mr Longbottom, you out of everyone know the dangers of the cruciatus curse. Would you like to share it with the class?" she asked sweetly. Neville tensed as a few of the class looked at him in confusion. Whilst the reason Bellatrix Lestrange went to prison was common knowledge. It wasn't common for people to know who exactly she tormented into insanity.
"Come on dear, don't be shy" Umbridge prompted. Neville began to shake
"I do not know what you mean professor" he spat back. Harry looked at Hermione who understood why Neville looked like he was ready to burst.
"In a minute take Neville out of here" he said. Hermione nodded.
"Mr Potter, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Umbridge asked. Harry grinned at her
"Yes actually, I was just wondering if you were going to try and kill me" the class looked to him stunned. Umbridge paled
"What?" Harry stood up and nodded to Hermione who snook behind Harry to Neville. Harry began walking to the teacher and grinned.
"Well you see, every year a DADA teacher decides it's their civic duty to try and attack me. So, I was just wondering if you were going to kill me. You know, just so that I can be prepared" he asked, sarcasm practically dripping off his tongue. Umbridge merely glared at him
"I am not going to attack you Mr Potter" she squalled. Harry guffawed
"Well you've already killed me with these boring lessons, I wonder if I can get you sacked for that" Harry said allowed as he placed a hand on his chin and pretended to think. Umbridge turned a vicious shade of red.
"That's it Mr Potter, detention" she growled. Harry shrugged
"Detention with a bully, oh it'll be like every detention I've ever had with snape" then before Umbridge could so much as blink Harry grabbed his wand and left the classroom.

A few hours later found Harry sat across from McGonagall. The older woman tried hiding her amusement at the situation. Never in all her years of teaching had she met a child quite as attention hogging as Harry Potter and she had taught his parents and Sirius. The difference is Harry didn't like the attention so why on earth he had stood up to Umbridge was anyone's guess.
"Mr Potter... what on earth possessed you to disrespect another teacher that way? I have never seen you act so rude." Harry shrugged
"With all due respect she started it Professor. She was teaching us about the Cruciatus Curse and its aftereffects whilst specifically targeting Neville. Forgive me professor I wasn't about to let Neville be spoken to like that regardless of who said it. I may have gone a bit overboard I know I just... I'll apologise to her tomorrow" he concluded. McGonagall looked over her glasses to stare at the boy. Dumbledore had informed the order that he was not allowed to know anything. That he was still healing from Cedrics death but as she stared at the boy in front of her that didn't seem the case. Yes, he was obviously torn up about what had happened, but he seemed to have come back stronger. She knew he was beginning to excel in most of his classes and was beginning to more tolerable of others. It was strange, she didn't know whether to be proud or concerned. Nether the less she smiled at him sadly
"Unfortunately Professor Umbridge had declared for you to do a weeks' worth of detention with her" she half expected him to argue but once again the boy shrugged.
"That's fair enough I guess" McGonagall stared at him again. Who was he and what had he done with Harry Potter?.
"Harry.." she began as he tensed up.
"I just want to let you know that I'm proud of you for finally taking your studies seriously. I'll write a letter to Sirius telling him how well you are doing" Harry beamed
"Thanks professor"
"It's okay. Now I suggest you get to the Great Hall. Your friends must be wondering where you are" Harry smiled at her again before walking away.

The Professor sighed, it seemed that whilst the order was busy Sirius had indeed decided to step up as Harrys god father. She had never seen the boy so relaxed; it was nice. Still, Harry did have a point about teachers trying to kill him. McGonagall would have to keep a trained eye on Professor Umbridge. Harry would finish the year safe if it killed her.

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