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Glimmer and the boy nab my hands. They take me to this tube, and place me inside.

"What are you doing." They're grip tightens. "Stop!" I thrash and pull, but it's no use. If I had a knife I'd be invincible. The tube closes up. Before I know it I'm being flying up into darkness. This reminds me of how the games started. The tube opens, my eye adjust to the new light.

I'm in the capital.

I'm not in the part of the capital that they show filled with luxury. I'm in the part where they execute capital Rebels. I see a girl standing in front of me. With a giant screen above her. She is blind folded. The nameless girl has faded pink hair, but I can tell she was originally blond. She wears all black, which should be punishment enough in the capital. The girl has pale skin an extremely light green. She is the closes I've ever seen to normal in the capital.

A man walk up to her. A crowd of people behind him. The people circle around the girl and the man.

"Eclipse nevermore." The man booms. Is that her name? "Crime, feeding a citizen of district eleven wile she was sopose to be peace keeping." What kind of a crime is that. "She must be publicly executed." The man takes the girl by the back of the neck. He throws he to the ground.

"Stop!" I demand. The man hesitaits but grabs an axe. "Don't do it." I say more calmly. He swings it above his head. "Wait think about what your doing." The man stops. He looks around. Then up at the screen above him showing president snow.

"Kill her." The president orders. He smashes the axe down on her neck. Blood squirts into the crowd. Her head rolls on the ground and the blind fold slips off. Revealing her dead blue eyes. Then the most terrible thing I've ever heard happens.

The crowd cheers. Children laugh and giggle, clapping their little hands. How do they find joy in a death of the're own people. The capital makes me sick.

The ground below me begans to disappear. Back down there. I close my eyes and wait for the drop. But nothing happens. I open my eyes. I'm back. How, what, why. So many questions float through the air. I stand me and Cato's house. He stares at me contemplating weather to be surprised or happy. After a pause he scoops me up into a hug. I rap my legs around his waist and cup Catos face in my hand. We kiss with so much love. Then finally pull away.

"Never leave me again." He says, forehead keening on mine.

"I love you." I smirk, and peck him on the lips. I get out of his embrace then go to find mr. Everdeen. Or David.

I waltze into the mirror building. David stands staring at me confused.

"I thought you went to hell." He ponders.

"Don't worry I'll be here annoying you for a long time." I joke.

"But how did you go to hell." He pauses. "And, come back.That's never happend before."

Really but how did I do it. "Oh." I stand dumbfounded. I could not have been the first one. There had to be people here before us. Humans die all the time right. Or is there more than one heaven. Hm, I wonder. "Why did I go to hell exactly." I ask

"Anger, to the capital of course. But still anger." Mr. Everdeen says as if I was a kindergartener. "You'll have to spend a wile off working though. We can't take the risk until we know your never going to go to, hell, again." I nod in agreement.


Dear readers

So I'm so happy I just got over 100 reads (squeals.) but I'm so sad because my favorite fanfic just ended. A Dylmas story, by the shuckiest shuck. Read it if u ship dylmas/newtmas. It is amazing. If you would like a dedication leave a comment.

That's all my little puffer fish.

Ps. Leave suggestions for the next chapter please.

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