he took his pain and decorated it
with his mother's pearls and his
father's suits. grandmother's
earrings she wore on her third
wedding anniversary and his
great-grandfather's watch he
received when he became
a man. not knowing whether
this would make it better. it
sure did make him more
appeasing to the people
around him and that's what
life's all about, right? molding
your hurt so that it's understandable
to others. sizing it down to fit
inside a box so that we're all accepted.
honey, i'm healing | poetry and prose
Poetry"so, tear and be torn my darling, let the sun see your bones. i promise when you are done you will be anew and beautiful and loved." From the author of "The Diary of Hungry Girls" comes this seven part prelude. Honey, I'm Healing is Haig Moses's col...