S1 E01: New Kid

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"Why do I have to do it?"

"That's the rule," Jerry said from his ancient office chair, "Last one hired has to introduce the new arrivals." He used his feet to launch himself into a spin, the chair, which used to be black but was now a faded grey, groaning as it brought him around to face forward again. Clearly enjoying the result, he went to twirl again but Juliet stuck her foot out to stop him.

"That doesn't make any sense," she replied. They were in their writer's room, killing time until the weekly Monday meeting.

"Shouldn't the oldest introduce the new people? I have the least experience," Juliet argued. Jerry rubbed his eyes with one hand.

"Then the same person would be stuck doing it until they left the show."


"Just do it. Someone had to do it for you," he pointed out. He nudged her foot away from the legs of his chair and kicked off his desk again.

"The person who did it for me told me nothing useful and quit a week later."

"Well here's your chance to right the wrongs of the past," Jerry said without slowing his spin.

"And I wasn't even the last one hired. This is my second season. Hugo only got here at the beginning of this season."

"Yeah, but Hugo is Hugo."

"Hey, you ready to finally relinquish the title of 'New Kid?'" asked a voice from the doorway. Juliet turned and Jerry stopped his gallivanting with a horrible screech on part of his chair. Bill had stuck his head in from the hallway. He was also waiting for the meeting. It wasn't for another hour but almost everyone was already on site.

"I'm not the new kid. Hugo is," Juliet protested. Bill took a step inside and leaned against the doorframe, running a hand through his dark brown hair.

"Hugo's not a kid. I don't even think he's human," Bill said. Jerry nodded in support.

"I'm not actually a kid either," Juliet shot back.

"Sure you are. What are you, seventeen?" Bill teased.

"Haha," Juliet fake laughed, "Twenty two. You're only two years older than me." He chuckled.

"Emotionally it's more like five. Any ideas for the meeting?" Bill asked.

"Nope," Juliet responded.

"Not one," was Jerry's reply.

"Great," Bill said, "When's the new New Kid supposed to be here?" Juliet checked the clock on the wall behind her where it hung above a small window that looked out from the thirteenth floor.

"Oh shit, like five minutes ago. I'll see y'all at the meeting," she said quickly and slipped past Bill out into the hallway.



Vian Li tapped anxiously on the zipper of her leather purse, producing a faint metallic "tink." Her eyes focused on three block letters stenciled on the wall in front of her. LTV. That stood for Live Television. The vague name which referred to the only constant element of LTV's weekly comedy shows. The sketches changed every week, and so did the host, but it was always live. And the first joke was using a three letter abbreviation for a two word phrase.

She felt stupid for bringing such a large purse, but when she was leaving her apartment that morning she felt stupider without one. She'd briefly considered a backpack, but that felt exceedingly childish. So she was stuck with the purse. Is there still gum in there? she thought to herself. She hadn't bothered to unpack it, only to shove more things in: a notepad, pens, keys, her phone, and a granola bar. She didn't even really like granola bars, but the ritual of preparation had done wonders for her nerves. Unfortunately, it didn't last. The nerves were back by now and stronger than ever.

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