Dentists and Supermodels

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Exactly thirty-two minutes before the table read, Bill and Juliet were standing in the bullpen discussing the likelihood of convincing Sam to buy a decent coffee machine in an LTV recession. That conversation ended mid-sentence when Juliet spied something out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Juliet muttered and grabbed Bill by the arm. She pulled him to the side of her, blocking herself from something.

"What?" he asked. He scanned the room for what she might be hiding from, but nothing stood out. Several members of the cast and crew were milling around the bullpen, as was usual.

"It's her!"

"Who?" She gave him an impatient look.

"The host!" she whispered-shouted. She dragged him behind the wall of a set.

"And we're hiding from her because...?"

"She's going to see me!"

"I'm still not seeing the problem. Is this a Medusa situation?"

"The problem is she's inhumanely gorgeous. And don't say 'Medusa situation' as if that's a normal thing to say." Juliet's hands went to her hair in a Pavlovian response. It was in two simple braids, tied off with bright pink hair ties.

"Her being attractive is a problem? How is that a problem."

"I- I just need to make a good first impression."

"What, do you have a crush on her?" Juliet said nothing.

"Seriously?" He looked amused, which made her glare, which, in turn, amused him more.

"Shut up," she instructed, partly out of indignation, partly because she was worried he'd make too much noise and attract the host's attention.

"Is this why Michael texted me 'Juliet's going Romeo?'" Bill asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about- Wait. Michael texts you?"

"He put it in the group chat."

"There's a group chat?"--her tone changed suddenly--"Why am I not in this group chat?" Bill ignored her.

"You should have told us. We would have written you into a kissing sketch with her," Bill teased. Juliet's glare intensified.

"Cmon, we said we'd meet Rennels and Vian before the pitch meeting," Bill said, "I'll shield you." Juliet nodded, her glance flickering to where the host was standing, talking to Greg.

"Sorry, we're late. Jules was busy drooling over our lovely host," Bill announced a minute later as he pushed open the door to the Four. To Juliet's relief, Jerry and Vian were the only ones in the room. She had been half worried Nick would be in there, and Nick couldn't keep his mouth shut up.

"Shut up!" she protested. She gave him a playful shove. Playful enough that he took a step back.

"Oh really?" Jerry asked with raised eyebrows.

"I wasn't drooling."

"Definitely drooling," Bill asserted.

"She's hot!"

"She is a model," Jerry conceded. It was true. She was only considered as a candidate for hosting after a recent movie appearance.

"Exactly. Now, more importantly: Vee! Where were you last night? Hugo was threatening to out-Hugo himself."

"Far, far away," Vian said, "Where were you?"

"The dentist!"

"The dentist," Jerry repeated suspiciously.

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