Coming out was really hard for me.
It was just the hardest thing to ever do. Mainly because I didn't understand my emotions, or maybe because I was afraid of what people would say.
The very first person to know was Leon. He knew that I liked both girls and boys, and knew that I wanted to date you.
Why I'm telling you this? Mainly because I want to give you your next clue.
JJ is such a doll you know. She's an amazing friend, and helped me prepare your present. She's going to guide you very soon, and you'll thank me later.
You ever thought about kissing in the cold? Now I know it's cheesy, but think about it; you clinging onto me as we held each other dearly, and us placing our lips on each other as we freeze. Hopefully we don't freeze to death.
Now babe, I know you do literature, so you better not lie to me. I hope you liked the midsummer night's dream, because darling, that play was fire.
Figured out the next clue? I hope you did.
Forever your chiwawa,
22 Recordings
NouvellesGoing through editing. (A novella to the original novel, "22 Days") ~~~~~~~~ Cecelia and Yvonne's first year anniversary is approaching and Cecelia has a plan on making it a memorable one before they head off to college. So, in true cheesy style, sh...