12: Recording 11

354 38 14

Remember the time you and I went for the pride festival in Melbourne?

Bro, may I just say, that was the best thing ever. Like, all the colors, the women, the men, the lights. It was just an amazing day.

Remember when there was a karaoke machine and we watched people go up there and sing terribly? That was awesome because we laughed so hard that day.

Remember when I threw paint on you that day and you chased me down with a water gun? Remember the time you and I kept on singing 'This Is Me' the entire trip back home? Remember when Leon tried carrying Nathan and they both fell into the lake? Okay, if Leon ever hears this recording I'm a dead woman walking.

Anyways, this was just another giveaway to your next clue.

Love you, my choco chip.

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