8: Recording 7

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I wrote you a poem once.

It was a way to express my emotion, a way to get out everything that I couldn't say to your face. And now, I'm still scared to say it to your face.

But I'll still say it in a recording. It is called 'Rose Garden' and it is the most recent poem I have ever written about a girl, specifically you.

Love is a funny thing.

At first, you don't know it's love,
You talk to them, become friends with them,
And then suddenly you're closer than family,
Unknowingly letting them plant a seed in the garden of your heart.

So, that seed grew.
We watered it with our laughter, joy, and tears,
We didn't know what else we were watering it with,
Until the rose grew.

That rose bloomed in the garden of my heart,
Being secluded from every other plant,
Rooted in the middle of the garden,
Waiting for us to water it once again.

I fell for you slowly, Y,
And you knew it.
The rose kept growing till it touched the chord in my heart I swore it would never touch:
My love.

But not everything is rainbows and sunshine in the garden.
Sometimes, there's a drought,
There's a storm,
And there's lots and lots of wind.

But you stood through it all,
Tried your best to shield the rose,
Guard it,
You even got soaked when the rain became too much.

Finally, the water ceased,
But we needed sunshine after the rain, or the rose would die from the floor it created.
Unfortunately, the rain never came,
But the water held us apart,
And so the roses, one by one,
Became engulfed by the flood,
Except for one,

It's a cute poem, isn't it?

Like I said above, I wrote it about you and about our journey together.

We've had a lot of bad and good days, and for the next few recordings, I'm going to help you remember each and every one. Hopefully, you'll get the clues soon enough. You're a smart girl, Yvonne, you got this.

From me, and no nickname today,

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