Y/N Profile

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Name: L/N Y/N

Age: 16

Height: Average Height (or whatever you guys want)

(A/N: I actually read some of the comments and it does make sense like "what does the height have to do with the plot of the story." And I was like, "yeah they're right" So I change it and turn it into average or whatever you guys want, I also notice that I haven't talk about the height or like included words like "small" "tiny" or something so... Yeah hahaha. So sorry if I wrote the "for the plot" thing without thinking twice about it. Hope you all understand.)

Weight: Your choice

Father's Name: Natsume F/N

Mother's Name: Natsume M/N

Likes: Sleeping, Eating, Reading, Listening to Music, Watching Anime, Doing late night walks, Yuuji, Her Friends (The Spirits), Mirai (The woman who adopted her)

Dislikes: Bullies, Assholes, Dumbass, Stupid People, People who invade her personal space, and last but not the least Humans.

Personality: Y/N is a quiet person, she doesn't like sharing her life unless you are very close to her. She loves reading and listening to music since for her it's an escape from (according to her) this bullshit called reality. She loves sleeping but still sleep late because she reads, and sometimes watch anime. If you became her friend, she will tell you what she likes, what she reads, she will share her food to you (which is rare) and will always be there for you. She is willing to listen to all your problems, and give you advices that will help you. She can be a little bitchy and sarcastic. She hates humans, aside from Yuuji and Mirai, and maybe thr people she will meet in the future.

Facts about Y/N:

*Y/N loves reading quotes since it can help widen her vocabulary, and it helps her think of words that will help someone.

*Yuuji and Y/N became friends since when she transfers, Yuuji is the first one to approach her and ask to her friend.

*Yuuji had a hard time convincing Y/N to be his friend since she is listening to music, always wearing her earphones.

*Still, they became friends because Yuuji found a way to Y/N's heart, which is he bought her a manga of her favorite anime

*Y/N is willing to protect Yuuji because she can.

Inari (Fox God)
Normal Form

  God Form (From Natsume's Book of Friends)

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God Form (From Natsume's Book of Friends)

Inari is the First God Y/N summon, or to be precise the First God/Spirit she met

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Inari is the First God Y/N summon, or to be precise the First God/Spirit she met. Inari met her when she is left abandoned in the forest as a baby by the people who adopted her, at first, Inari just want to leave her thinking he got nothing to do with a Human but then gave in when she cried. He brought her to his shrine and then on take care of her. After six years, a nice human woman see her and decided to adopt her.
Even though y/n had been adopted, he still stayed to look after her and decided to show himself to Mirai, the woman who adopted y/n to see if she will abandon her after she saw him. At first Mirai is shocked, but then just smiled and said that when she look at the child she knows she is special and still took good care of her. From then on, Inari swore to protect Y/N and Mirai for the rest of his life.

Note: I took the last name Natsume from the anime Natsume's Book of friends.

The other Spirits/Gods will be revealed soon.

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