Chapter 14:True Potential

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We are all having a break from training, Maki-senpai is sitting below the shade of the tree, Panda-senpai in the bench, Inumaki-senpai in the stairs, not far from him is me and Fushiguro-kun, sitting side by side. If I'm not mistaken, Kugisaki-san have gone shopping.

She did invite me but I refused, I'm too tired to go shopping, and I don't even know what to buy, I don't have anything in mind. Fujin-san, Raijin-san and Bishamon-san already left, saying that they still have things to do. After they tired us out, they just left us. I don't have any right to complain, they already trained us, I should be thankful.

I just wanna sleep really bad.

Suddenly, Fushiguro-san asked Panda-senpai something.

   "How to bring a cursed tool?

   " I agree to using specialty weapons to enhance the close-range fighting. But it's better to keep my hands free for the technique. It's also time consuming to keep a knife in it's sheath."

Well he has a point, his technique is hand based, to unleash his shikigamis his hands must be free from handling anything. I like how his being logical and practical, I'm learning a thing or two from him.

As a weapon user myself, specifically a katana, it's hard to run while I'm carrying it. I also know that Inari won't always be beside me to help, I need to learn to be independent in the battlefield, I know that my allies won't always be ready to help me when the time comes that I need it.

   "Zenin-senpai, you often carry multiple cursed tools, right? How do you manage them?" Fushiguro-san asked. " I'd leave them to Panda." I sweat drop at that, talk about convenient.

   "Some jujutsu sorcerer can tame familiars that can store weapons for them." Panda-senpai said. " It's a rare ability after all. It also takes time to tame it. Let me know if you find one." Maki-senpai said. That took my interest, a familiar that can store your weapons for you. Wow, that's cool. I learned about familiars from the book I saw in the library hear.

While I was thinking about what Maki-senpai and Panda-senpai are talking about, I noticed how Fushiguro-san looks so deep in thought.

I just look at him and suddenly, he placed his hands on the stair step below him, and I notice how his hand suddenly went through the shadow of it.


   "Tuna, tuna... " Inumaki-senpai suddenly said while pointing at what Fushiguro-san is doing. "What's wrong?" Maki-senpai asked.

   "Senpai. I have an idea." I look at Fushiguro-san and noticed how his smiling while he said those words. He looks good while smiling.

   "Ne Fushiguro-san." He look at me and asked what's wrong.

   "Please smile more, you look so good with it." I said while I smile at him as well.

He just look at me like I grow two heads. Did I said something wrong? Did I?

   "Did I said something wrong? Are you offended? Please say something I'm getting more nervous the more you look at me Fushiguro-san." He suddenly look away, I noticed how red his ears are. Is he blushing?

  "Did what I say flutter you? Don't worry you don't have to, I just said it since I know it's true." He look at me as I noticed his cheeks with slight blush.

   "No don't worry about it, and thank you. You look good too when you smile." He said as he pat my head. It took me by surprise but just let it, now I want to just sleep.

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