Chapter 12.5

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This will not affect the story at all. Please enjoy!

     "What are you all doing here! Especially you blindfold-freak-beanpole-human! Suddenly challenging us in some stupid idea you have!"

     "Quiet down Inari, you will wake (Y/N) up."

      "Inari is rabid like a dog Fujin, what can you do?"

      "How does it feel Inari, a God like you being shamed, how awful."

      "HAHAHAHAHA you poor Inari-sama, come to papa!"


The challenge that Inari is talking about is them, staying in their human forms. It's not actually a problem for Fujin, Raijin, and Bishamon, but for's not that it's a huge problem, his not just...use to it.

He won't agree with it actually but, Gojou tease him of being a pussy, and that he can't do a simple challenge. Knowing Inari and his hot head, he agreed.

     "This form is pissing me off. This is just so stupid." Inari complained.

     "You're saying it's stupid but you're doing it. What a fool of a God." Bishamon said while sipping his tea that no one knows where he get it but, ok.

      "💢💢 You, asshole Bishamon. YOU WANT A FIGHT!!" Inari shouted, as he stand up from his sitting position to walk towards Bishamon who did not even flinching from his shout.

'What the hell is happening?' (Y/N) thought as she just woke up from her slumber. She just wanna sleep for crying out loud!!

'WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING IN MY ROOM!!' She think as she try so hard to go back to sleep, and ignore the noise inside her room. 'Peace, why do you have to leave me like this.' She thought.

     "GET OFF OF ME BLINDFOLD FREAK!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! I WILL BURN YOU INTO A CRISP!!" Inari shouted as he try his best to get out of Gojou's grasp.

Gojou just laugh at Inari's suffering, this is the reason why he loves teasing Inari, his reactions and response are so funny! Though his the only one who can do that, I mean laughing, and teasing a God, I don't know about you but don't be surprise if your life just say "bye bye" to you.

     "NOO!! I DON'T WANNA! and like you can Inari~sama~" Gojou said in a teasing tone. This only enrage Inari as he got aggressive from getting out of his grasp.

Fujin, doesn't know how to stop the two just sweatdrop. He knows that Bishamon won't give a fuck about those two. (Y/N) is suffering in her bed, she just wanna sleep for fuck sakes, can't they just do their fight outside, it's more wider. Fujin look at your curled up form that is being covered by your blanket worriedly, he noticed his brother, Raijin holding a book. Knowing that the book is yours he ask his brother.

     "I don't know you read books Raijin, how come?" Raijin didn't answer him as he suddenly, hold the book by it's spine, and throw it with a lot of force towards both Inari and Gojou to at least stop those two idiots who are still shouting at each other like kids, not knowing that behind them is (Y/N).

Inari noticing it immediately get out the way, bringing Gojou with him since the idiot is still clinging onto him. You suddenly sit up since you're done with their shenanigans.

      "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL DO-" she didn't even finish her sentence as the book hit her straight on the face. The room got quiet as soon as that happened, the book is hard bound, making your forhead bleed. You collapsed because of the impact.

They all look at Raijin whose face gotten pale. "Oops, wrong target, I guess."

      "(Y/N)/(Y/N)~chan!" Both Gojou and Inari shouted in sync and immediately run beside you. Checking up your condition, don't worry you're ok. It's fine for you actually because it's an easy way to sleep.

     "Brother!! Why would you do that!!" Fujin said as he holds his brothers shoulders, shaking him.

     "It's not like they will shut up with us just telling them to shut up." Raijin said, getting a little dizzy because of his brother.

Meanwhile, Bishamon is in his 4th cup of tea. No one still knows where he got it.

     "Idiots." He said, sipping his tea.

What a chaos.

A/N: Hello guys, I don't why where I got this idea but I just write it hehe.

I hope you like it and stay safe and God Bless. 😊🙏

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