Chapter 7: True Strength

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   "How are there only four first-years? Isn't that too few?" Asked Yuuji.

We, me, Yuuji, and Fushiguro are currently waiting for Gojo-sensei.

We are going to fetch our fellow classmate, which I wish a female so that I'm not alone. Actually, nah I don't care what their gender is, I just wanna sleep, the talk with Fujin-san yesterday night surely took long.

   "Well, have you ever met anyone who can see curses before?" Fushiguro said. I'm just listening, actually half listening to them since I'm wearing my headphones listening to music while eating the ice cream Yuuji bought me.

   "Nope." Yuuji answered. "That just proves how small a minority jujutsu sorcerers are." Fushiguro said.

   "By the way (Y/N)-chan." I look at Yuuji with a questioning look. "Have you seen a curse before?" I shook my head.

   "Well, I asked Inari why I can't see them when they can really appear everywhere where fear and negative energy resides. He just told me that, before they can even appear it's either he kills them or prevent me from seeing them. That's the reason." I explained to them. Now that I think about it, I noticed before that when we had our midnight stroll, Inari is always alert and suddenly disappear out of nowhere, and comes back satisfied. I thought he just took a pee, but now I guess it's because he killed something, geez that sadist.

   "Eh, wow he is protective. Where is he by the way?" Yuuji asked. "It's either he is sleeping in his realm or just strolling around. I don't know."

   "Eh you don't know, but his your pet?" Did Yuuji just... called Inari... a pet? Oh boy I can feel the rage in the air.

   "Who are you calling a pet you STUPID HUMAN, how dare you call me such thing. I'm a GOD idiot not a PET!" ...and there he is, Inari.

   "H-how did you hear that?!"

   "Because I have ears Human, how dumb are you!? Huh! Come here, I will kill you." Before Inari can even get close to Yuuji, I carry him away. "(Y/N) PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN! HOW DARE THIS HUMAN INSULT ME HUH!" Yuuji is hiding behind an irritated Fushiguro. I look around and people are looking at me weirdly since they can't see Inari. I just turn around and walk away to calm him.

2 minutes passed and he is a bit calm now so I returned to stand beside Fushiguro, since Inari still a bit irritated with Yuuji.

   "Also, didn't you say I was the fourth?" Yuuji asked still worried about Inari.

   "Their entry was decided a while ago."

While I was stroking Inari's fur to calm him down, who we are waiting for finally appear. Is he always late. Actually, I really hate people who arrive late, I don't want to wait, I just wanna sleep. Give me my sleep.

   "Sorry for the wait. Oh. Your uniforms made it in time, I see." Gojo sensei said while walking towars us.

   "Yeah, it's a perfect fit. Though it's slightly different from Fushiguro's. It has a hood, for one. Me and (Y/N)-chan has the same design, it's perfect for her as well since she loves hoods, I don't know about the skirt though hehe." Yuuji said. Well he is not wrong I love hoods, I can hide my face with this, and I think I look cool hehe. The skirt is not bad as well since it's not really short, it reaches my knees, not bellow the knee but it's fine.

   "That's because the uniforms can be customized upon request." Gojo sensei said. "Huh? But I never put in any requests. (Y/N)-chan did you?" Yuuji asked. "Nope I didn't, I didn't even know we can actually customized uniforms." I said.

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