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Shikamaru was walking down the town's road. Hands in his pocket, wearing his usual black turtle neck along with black pants, his normal bored expression on his face.

After a few more push to himself, he finally had the energy to take a full on shower. It's been a while since he felt refreshed alongside with his clothes.

Everyone around him stared as he continued walking down the road, all on their toes upon seeing the Nara. They haven't seen him ever since that big day so it was shocking to them to see him casually walking down the road.

Even though he seems to be acting like his usual self, they weren't really sure on how to act around him. The fact that he would kill any of them at any time made them not want to move a single finger.

But there was definitely something different going on with him. His sharp eyes seemed to be focused on something, a familiar burning fire hidden within them.

"Do you think he's plotting something against us?"

"I don't know... but I suggest not letting your guard down, he hates our guts based on his reaction"

"Where do you think he's going?"

"Poor boy suffered so much, my heart aches for him. Destiny truly is one heartbreaking thing"

"Destiny my ass"

Shikamaru rolled his eyes at the stares and whispers he was receiving, he knew that they were taking pity of him but even if they have a change of mind, it wouldn't be enough to apologize for the years of abuse they brought upon his lover.

If Naruto were to still be here and saw all of their reaction, he would've probably forgiven them knowing his personality. He hated conflicts and likes to please others.

Not Shikamaru though, this place can burn for all he cares. Two-face bitches don't deserve special treatment.

Also they are still quite nosy about him, why does it matter to them on what he is doing? People should just mind their own business and go on with their life.

Shikamaru stopped in his track when the tip of his shoes touched a set of stairs. He raised his head up and read the big letters displayed.

He had finally reached his destination, the orphanage.

Observing further around the outside design of the orphanage, it was very run down. Some of the walls were missing, the windows were broken with the glass pieces all laid around the floor, graffiti, and broken woods.

"As it should be, crappy workers with an equally crappy building"

From his research and his father's added information, this place had been out of funds and was forced to live off what they got in order to keep running. Using as little resources as they can to save up and help raise the kids who lived within these walls.

In the end, they were forced to bring the kids elsewhere and leave the orphanage as a whole.

He does wonder about what happened to the other kids though, having a place they lived in be taken away from them and forced to live in another space.

He walked up the chipped steps and went inside through the very cheaply made door. Having a better look inside, it was as he expected.

Dusted up chairs, glass shards on the floor, the roof looked like it was ready to collapse, papers were scattered everywhere.

The only reason why he even went to this place was to see if they have left any other important and useful information here.

He went deeper inside, scanning closely at the scattered papers on the floor and on the desk. He could see just a few people here, assuming that they worked here based on the name tags and uniform.

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