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"I'm tired..."

Shikamaru slammed his head on the table top, the stacks of papers jumping slightly from the impact.

After taking a short break of keeping a low profile after the incident, he couldn't stop thinking about the picture he found.

Thus he was right back at the library, continuing on days without end to search for the name of this nameless person.

This was the closest thing he got yet he can't seem to identify what her name is nor find any other pictures of her. He can't act brash and immediately jump into conclusions or else it'll only bring him back to square one.

Plus it's troublesome to deal with someone who isn't the person he's looking for. Unnecessary drama that he doesn't need anymore of.

He let out a tired groan for the 100th time this day, shifting his head a bit so that he was laying on his left cheek.

"Ramen sounds nice right now..." he whispered to himself, feeling his stomach grumbled at the thought of ramen.

For some odd reason, he had been craving them a lot recently and he's not even that much of a fan of the dish.

Hmm but what would the person who's running the ramen shop think of him if he goes there? Shikamaru actually liked that guy, he was a nice person and he didn't want to intimidate him like how the others do.

He debated with himself for a couple of minutes with his eyebrows scrunched together tightly before ultimately deciding to not scare his customers away.

While he continued to lay on the table top with a grumbling stomach, a knock was heard from the other side of the door. Suspicious, he slowly lifted himself up and looked over to where the sound came from.

A knock was heard again before a quiet voice was heard after.

"Shikamaru? Are you in here?"

"... Ino?"

Shikamaru instantly recognized the voice and got up from his seat. He walked carefully to the door, grabbing the handle but kept it there.

Even though he left no evidence at the scene, he's still wary about anybody that tries to talk to him. After all, the news spread like wildfire causing others to search for the culprit.

Can't trust anyone too easily at this point, not even his close ones.

"Why are you here"

"I went over to your house earlier to speak to you but your mom told me you were out. I might've- uh begged her to tell me where specifically and got the answer so here I am!... With food"

"Nothing else right?"

"I just wanted to see you again..."

Awkward silence surrounded the two as Ino held up the bag full of take out food. She was praying hard that he wouldn't give her the cold shoulders again and held her head high.

After a few moments, the door opened up slowly and she smiled almost nervously at Shikamaru's unapproved facial expression.

"I didn't make her cry this time!! I swear, last time was an accident!! Oh-"

She brought the bag closer to his face, shaking it lightly.

"I-It's your favorite, mackerel and sukonbu~"

Shikamaru couldn't help but let out a sigh as his shoulders droop. Ino is just like that, always been ever since they were kids.

He turned around, waving a hand to signal her to follow him inside, and went to where he was previously seated at. Ino, delighted at the response, quickly followed along and closed the door behind her.

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