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A loud groan fell out of Shikamaru's lips as he slowly pushed himself up and prompt himself into a sitting position. His back slumped forward a bit.


Hearing that the alarm started setting off right after he woke up, he clicked his tongue.

"I actually went out of my way to set an alarm last night, but ended up waking up before it went off"


"I don't even feel like turning it off... but I can't deal with this stupid ringing forever"


He let out a deep sigh and frowned, "Thinking about all of this is troublesome"

"Shikamaru! Are you even awake?? Turn that alarm off!!" he heard is mother shout from downstairs.

An angry mom shouting at him and a annoying alarm ringing, what a combo that is.

His frowned deepened even more, listening to the ringing for a few more times before finally deciding to get off of his bed and turn it off. After successfully turning it off, he made his way out of the door and towards his bathroom.

Even though his morning started off not exactly how he wanted it to, it was better than the previous days he had. He shouldn't waste anymore time right now anyways, he needed to meet up with Ino at the library soon.

They took a week and a half break off, resting up as much as possible and help relax themselves before doing anything further.

After freshening himself up, he went downstairs while gathering his hair in position and tied it up into a high ponytail. He went to where the dining room was and saw that his mother was still there, food already placed on the table.

Yoshino simply smiled at him, resting her head on her hands and tilted her head.

"Good morning sweetie~ I prepared breakfast for you already, your father is already at work so he won't be joining us"

He stared at her as he slowly making his way to where she was, carefully scooting the chair out and sat himself down on the opposite end.

He clapped his hands together, mumbling a "thank you" before picking up the bowl of rice plus the  chopsticks and began eating.

Yoshino just watched him with a smile on her face.

Shikamaru took notice of this and looked at her curiously, "Is something wrong mom?"

"Oh no! Nothing at all, I'm just relieved to see you eating again. I haven't seen you like this in a while so I'm just happy to see that you're getting better, I've seen that you started working out again too" Yoshino answered, her smile never leaving her face.

All this time, Yoshino had been worried about Shikamaru's health, both mentally and physically. Having to deal with a loss is hard, she knew the feeling so she tried her hardest to give him space, but at the same time provide him with whatever he needed.

Like leaving cut up fruits in front of his bedroom door, doing his laundry and leaving it inside his room while he slept, telling the people who are asking for him to "fuck off" and slamming the door on their faces.

"Yeah, I found something to keep myself busy to stop thinking about... you know and it's been going well so far. I feel more productive"

She folded her arms on the table, laying her head down on them and shifted her eyes to stare at one of the side dishes she made.

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