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"Y/N. you forgot to close the door after taking the towel."

My eyeballs almost came outside hearing this from him.

"That means-"

"Yeah, you saw mine, I saw yours." He said with a proud face.

"You are behaving like you've own Oscar" I said rolling my eyes.

"I've deleted whatever I saw from my mind. You do it too" he said with a serious face.

"Oh is it? Then why did you say about my mole?" I asked him frowning my eyebrows which made him silent.

Time skip-

Days have passed and you two were being close to each other. You didn't realise when did he become a close friend to you. He's not cold towards you anymore. On the other side, you caught some feelings for Kim doctor too. But he was still the same and playful. You've not watched his full face yet.

Everything was going good for you. It was day 12 and both of you tested 2nd test of covid and waiting on the bench together for the report outside of the lab.

Kim doctor came outside with a serious face and asked us to go to our cabin.

We came back and sat in our individual beds. This stupid breathing problem is gaining again. I was inhaling hard while I saw Kim doctor to come towards us and that's when everything became black.

I opened my eyes and found myself on my bed with a oxygen mask.

"Y/N, you're still covid positive. And virus is growing in your body day by day. I shouldn't tell this to you but why don't you eat properly?" Kim doctor asked

"Looks like this virus is so in love with me." I said with a smile hoping for them to laugh. But they didn't.

Kim doctor sighed.

"Y/N, this is not a time to joke." The doctor said to me looking at my eyes.

"Taehyung will be discharged tommorow" He said to the nurse and that made my heart break into pieces.

"Tae.. Taehyung will go tommorow?" I asked and suddenly my eyes were tearing up which I can't control.

But Taehyung wasn't there. Where's he?

"Yes, he tested negative." He said with a sigh.

"Ugh" I said and the tear dropped finally.

"Why? Aren't you happy?" Taehyung said before coming inside with a water bottle.

"Shut up! Or I'll kiss you and you will be positive again."

I said and the whole cabin laughed except me.

Kim doctor slide his hand on my hair softly.

Oh my God stop.

"Y/N" he called.

Okay that was a deep voice. He was now really close to my face.

"Y/N, I want you to live. I want to see you healthy and happy. Please eat the food. If not for you, then atleast for me?" He asked.

I said nothing.

I looked at Taehyung who was looking at the door pretending like he didn't see but he saw.

"I will. Just for you" I said.

"Great" he said and got up.

"I'll come again later. Take a good care" doctor said and left with the nurse.

"Uwuu, romantic" I said with a blush.

Taehyung sighed and sat on his bed.

"So... I'll go home tommorow" he said reminding me and making me sad again.

He was nothing to me. More like a roommate? Or I can say, as a human he just agreed to be friend. Nothing else. Then why is it hurting? I shouldn't be sad instead I should be happy that he's fine. He is finally going to..... home. But my heart is hurting. Why?

Many questions were running in my mind.

Taehyung's POV:

I said her to see her reaction. I don't know what is this feeling. I'm just a friend to her. Nothing much more than this. We met just 11-12 days ago. But why thinking about leaving her is hurting me. Is it because she's my best friend? Or I love- ..... No no, what am I thinking. I shouldn't think about it. She doesn't even see me in that way.

"Taechu" she called me and my heart just felt like stabbed.

"What?" I said looking at her. Her eyes were glistening.

I hate her watching like this, laying on bed with a mask with no energy.

I went closer to her.

"Will you leave me Taechu?" She asked in the most emotional way and I hate myself for tearing up.

I hold her hand which was burning for her high temperature.

"I have no option Y/N" I said not daring to look in her eyes.

"It means we'll never meet again?" She asked and my heart just felt like it stopped beating.

"Maybe. Or maybe not" I said looking down.

"I can give you my number, we'll talk on call after your quarantine session. Maybe after 15 days." I said relaxing her.

She said nothing.

It's 1:00 AM.

I saw her sleeping peacefully like an angel. Why God made her more sick. Why didn't I get the virus instead. Why am I well and she's sick when both of us were sick together. I was busy in my thoughts when I hear the door knob to open and I closed my eyes immediately.

I opened one eye and saw

Kim doctor?

What's he doing at this time? That means he comes to check us everyday on this time? But we don't see because we used to sleep? Maybe. Wow he does night duties also.

He took a chair and sat in front of me. I felt him to check my pulse and heartbeat.

Then I heard the chair to move.

I opened my one eye again and saw him to sat infront of Y/N.

He took off his mask and sighed. Haha Y/N wanted to see his full face for so long. He's indeed handsome.

I was busy thinking, while I saw him to take the left hand of Y/N but instead of checking pulse, he kissed her hand and started to cry with a low sound. What the hell? Why is he crying? I badly wanna ask him that what's wrong? I saw him to let go of her hand and check her heartbeat and then he thought something and slide his hand on her head. He kissed on her forehead.

Woah! Right infront of me mister Kim?

But I can't complain. Who am I even. He got up and left the cabin.

I got up and went to her.

I wiped her forehead where he kissed.

Am I being childish? No.

Is this jealousy? No.

Do I love her? No.

Do she love me? No.

Then what is this behavior?

I don't know.

Suddenly I don't know what got me and I kissed on her forehead.

I came back to my bed and closed my eyes.

Spoiler: This story will end soon.
Also thank you for reading 🥺💜

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