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Author's note.Hey gang! Thought I'd just take the time to remind you that Loki doesn't know y/n's the power stone, which will explain some of his actions and judgements, as well as perspectives. He's the only one that doesn't know.

Eventually your throat's so red raw with screaming that you gave up, turning instead to a wail here and there when it gets especially bad and deep red crescent moons in your palms from where your fingernails dig in. He hasn't returned, but you notice the clear bag on the end of the IV line is about three quarters full, and it won't be long before it's all there. You don't know what'll happen when it is, but you have a feeling it won't be good for you.

If you survive the initial extraction (which you doubt), you wonder what Thanos'll do to you - how he'll dispose of you. After your insubordination, you reckon he'll be reluctant to let you go home. Even if you do go home, he'll have all but one of the infinity stones, and with 5, he'll be impossible to stop. He'll retrieve the Tesseract and that'll be the end.

There are 10 in your family: Clint, Loki, Wanda, Nat, Steve, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Peter, and you. Inevitably, this'll be whittled down to 5. Maybe you'll get lucky and more of you will survive, if not, you wish to be one of the ones that disappears. Stop it, you scold yourself. You still have time yet. Despite all the pain you're in, you try with all your strength to escape the restraints and detach yourself, but you may as well be trying to lift a mountain, because you're not getting anywhere.

At some point during your struggles, the door opens and light spills through the doorway, cancelling out the purple glow. A silhouette appears and strides towards you, hands fumbling at your restraints. It's at this point that you don't care anymore. It's probably Thanos here to kill you. That'll be mercy. Just get it over with. Dad and Loki will be fine. However, instead of driving a blade through your chest and tightening their hands around your neck, the figure wraps a warm arm around you to help you sit up, and lifts you up with the other arm under your knees. 'Hello Tiny Mortal. Let's get you out of here.'

You force your eyes open and direct your gaze to the speaker. His hair is light and long, with a square jaw and a muscular frame. '...Thor?'

'Can you walk?' He asks. You wonder why he's here and not Loki. You wonder how he's here. You wonder if this is really him or a figment of your imagination. 'Y/n? Can you walk?' He repeats.

You're too disorientated to offer a reply, so you just shake your head, leaning into him more. He starts to walk away when a realisation hits you. Wait no, the power stone, you need to get it, You try to say, but all you manage to do is a weak point towards the glowing purple liquid. He doesn't catch this, and as he carries you away, you find yourself unable to fend off the encroaching drowsiness.

Loki had managed to split from the group. They were being beaten and he knew that there was no way they'd make it off the ship with y/n if Thanos didn't want that to him. So he knew he had to make a deal. Having been here the longest, other than y/n, he knew his way around. Thanos, like a coward, wasn't engaging with the Avengers. Loki found him hunkered down in the throne room, slouching in the grandiose seat. He refused to call it a throne. Thrones belonged to monarchs. As he appeared in the hallway, Thanos sat up straighter and two of his children stood in defensive positions in front of him. Thanos waved them away, which was a little insulting to Loki. 'Did you miss me?' He asked.

'Surprisingly, no,' Thanos retorted. Loki seethed at the sight of him. The sounds of y/n's screams echoed through his head and all he wanted to do was take this grotesque monster by the throat and drive a dagger through his heart, watching the life leave his eyes. But he kept it together, he had to seem unbothered, and he couldn't hurt Thanos until y/n was safe.

'Where is she?' He asked through clenched teeth.

'You're too late,' Thanos told him, knowing what he wants. 'I've already started the process of taking her powers.'

Loki scoffed, walking closer. 'You're a fool if you think I'm here for her powers. I don't give a shit whether she has her powers or not.' Thanos didn't say anything, but he tilted his head as if he was trying to figure out some equation that only he could see. Loki ignored this and continued, 'Let them take her and I'll give you the Tesseract.'

Thanos considered this for a moment, weighing up the costs and benefits. 'Deal.'

Loki held his hand up and unveiled the Tesseract, shattering shards of blue light across the floor. Thanos admired it and plucked it from Loki's palm, crushing it between his fingers the moment it was in his possession. It broke his heart a little, giving something he fought for for so long to someone who doesn't appreciate it, but he'd watch the world burn before he let Thanos hurt y/n. If the Tesseract was the price to pay, he'd pay it a thousand times. The stone flew to its place on the gauntlet like a magnet and Thanos threw his head back and roared with the power of the 5 infinity stones. Loki wondered where the power stone was, and prayed that the person who had it in their possession was somewhere far away from there.

Whilst the 'purple thumb', as y/n so eloquently called him, was preoccupied with his new addition to the gauntlet, Loki snuck off before he could change his mind about letting him live. He rushed off through the hallways he came down and hoped Thor had made it back to the ship by then.

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