Chapter 3

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Scarlet p.o.v

Minho and the other runners had left for the maze and I had stayed behind because I had a bad nights rest Minho had ordered me to stayed back to get some rest,I tried to refuse and go along but Alby and newt held me back from the maze and threatened to put me in the pit if I didn't calm down and relax. So I did. Now I'm currently helping Newt with the garden and the other track-hoes. "Hey Scarlet" zart greets me as I finish weeding the plants, "hey Zart the fart" I say gaining some snickers from the other gladers nearby. Zart rolls his eyes and goes back to work.

The glade was soon filled with yells for help newt and I turn to the direction of the noise to see Thomas getting chased by...BEN! But shouldn't he be in the maze. Before Thomas could get any further Ben tackles him and begins to attack him,without thinking I run to Thomas's aid and shove Ben off of him only to have him pin me to the ground and claw at my arms. I scream in pain and I notice how ben doesn't look like Ben anymore,tears blur my vision as Ben starts to strangle me, I lose oxygen fast and I struggle harder but to no avail he is to strong. I almost black out when I feel bens weight leave me and oxygen fills my lungs again. I cough and gasp for air I see that the other gladers had Ben pinned to the ground. He struggled as they pinned him and Alby came to see if I was ok. " you ok Scarlet" he asks concerned. I nod and crawl to Ben "careful sis" Newt says "guys lift his shirt" I say on the brink of crying, Gally lifts his shirt and I cover my mouth in shock,I was right he was stung by the grievers. Alby had Ben taken to the pit and the med-jacks Clint and Jeff came to check on Thomas and I."t-thanks Scarlet for saving me" "it's no problem shank,I know you would have done the same for me" I smile as I get up and walk to the see the runners returning. I notice Minho talking to newt about something probably about Ben and his eyes went wide,he notices me walking to them and he instantly runs to me and envelops me in a tight hug " are you alright I'm so sorry I should've been back earlier and maybe you wouldn't have gotten hurt" he whispers to me and let's go he looks into my eyes and wipes away the tears I had no idea had come and I looked at newt as he rubbed my back soothingly. "Your the shuckiest shuck head shuck for taking Ben on like that and almost getting yourself killed" Minho says to me as we walk to the map room. "I know" I smile and halfway there chuck runs up to me. "Guys Alby is about to banish Ben you need to be there" he say quickly before leaving, Minho and I look at each other before running to Alby.

I gather with the other keepers and watch as Minho brings Ben to the entrance of the Maze I grab Bens bag and frown at him as he cries and begs for us not to throw him out there. I look at Alby with tears in my eyes I mean Ben was one of my friends, my family we can't just throw him out and yet there was nothing we could do for him now that he has been stung by grievers. Alby nods at me and I look at Minho who looks at me with a stern look "Minho, Alby please don't do this" Ben continues to beg and then he turns to me and I see how scared he looks "Scarlet please, I'm your friend you can't do this please"

"I'm sorry Ben but rules are rules. You were stung there's nothing we can do. You belong to the maze now." I say as I threw his bag into the maze and he looks at me with sadness in his eyes I look away and walk to where thomas is standing. I watch silently as Ben is forced back into the maze. "Goodbye Ben" I whisper almost inaudible to hear only to those standing really close could hear and I feel someone hug me I look to see Thomas hugging me I smile and hug him back when the doors close I let go of Thomas and look at Alby "Ben belongs to the maze now" he sighs and walks towards Bens name on the wall and crosses it off. Angry and upset I ran towards the woods crying as I went. I witnessed so many banishing before and yet I can never get over the fact how we just throw everyone who is stung or has broken the rules into the maze just to die at the hands of the grievers. It's cruel yes but this is how we keep order and it's how we live, I sit under a tree and cry my eyes out. I hear someone call my name and i look to see Minho and Newt and Chuck walking to where i am. I wave sadly to them and look up at the sky as they sat next to me. "You ok" Newt asks looking at me and rubbing my back soothingly. "Yeah,just upset that ben got banished i mean he's my or was my bestfriend." I cry and hide my face in my hands. "Scarlet you know nobody survives the maze you gotta just forget about him" chuck sighs and get up. I follow and we all walk back quietly. I feel someone snake there arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to their chest. I smile already knowing who it was."Minho umm I- oh forget it" i sigh and we walk back to the homestead,confused Minho runs after me but is stopped by Newt "just leave her. She needs time" Minho nods and walks off to sleep.

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