The important change

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Eleven-year-old twins Lily and Petunia Evans were practically inseparable. They went almost everywhere together and one was never seen without the other by her side. They loved, valued, and protected eachother more than anything, even though they did not look similar.
Petunia was very well known in the school she and Lily attended, and was incredibly popular and bright, and the only thing that people felt truly held her back was her strong bond with Lily.

People would often tease poor Lily without Petunias knowledge. Call her strange names behind her back, shoot her withering glares in class and even once or twice switch her test papers so she looked stupid.

The one rumor that was based in fact was that odd things seemed to happen around the pair; the teachers glasses shattering to pieces when Petunia didn't get a maths question right; books flying across the room if Lily didn't understand a term in English; Petunias best friends, the 'snigger girls' (Lily nicknamed them this due to their frustrating habit of sniggering every time she put a toe out of line), getting trapped in giant glass marbles if Lily overheard their snide remarks. What nobody realized is that the magic that had remained dormant in the Evans family for so long was full to bursting in both twins, longing for the opportunity to be set free.

Monday 31st July 1961


"Yes, Petunia darling?"

"There are letters at the door!"

"Petunia, it's Sunday. There are always letters at the door on Sunday."

"No, these ones are different! They're addressed to me and Lily!"

"Call your sister and come show me."

"Lily! Lily! Come down and let me show you something!" Petunia cried until her throat grew hoarse.

Eventually, when she felt she couldn't wait any longer, she climbed up the stairs and into the girl's bedroom.

"Lily! What's taking you so long? I've been waiting for ages!"

"It's our school reports, isn't it? You know I can't deal with them, especially not after having Mrs Courcha, she'll blame every single bit of mischief that went on in that class on me! She's always hated me, watching me always, ready to pounce at any moment!" Lily hesitates, then shivers.

"Well, I don't know what it is but it certainly isn't a school report. Now come on before I'm bored to death!!!" Petunia shouts as she races down the stairs, eager to tear open her letter and find out its contents. Lily sighs at how enthusiastic her sister is about everything, and then follows.

"Right girls, let's see what's in those letters, shall we?" Mrs Evans says while sitting in a chair next to the table. She was a kind, bouncy, patient woman, usually seen holding a cup of coffee, and loved her daughters deeply, which was part of the reason she was so excited.
"Ok...come on Lils. On three. One..."
"Two...(this is Lily)"
"Three!" And with a flourish, both girls pulled to pieces of paper from the highly embleshed envelope.
"Come on girls, what's it say!!!" Mrs Evans said with girlish excitement.
"To Miss Evans..."
"Mine says that to!"
"We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1st September. We await your owl by no later than the 31st July ("that's today!" Cried Lily).
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy headmistress."

"Mama, what's a Hogwarts?" Lily asks.
"That's what I'm hear to tell you, Miss Evans and Miss Evans." A mysterious voice says softly.
"Who are you?" Petunia shouts as she sees the mystery woman in a tall black hat and emerald robes.
"Do not be alarmed. I am Minerva McGonagall, your deputy headmistress. If, of course, you accept your place at Hogwarts. I am here in place of Professor Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts."
"Madam, I do not know what you are talking about, but please leave my home before I call my husband!"
"Mrs Evans, please! Do let me speak to your children! I do not want to have to be unreasonable!"

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