31st July 1991

34 4 1

Harry's POV

I woke up with a large grin on my face. My first thoughts were birthday thoughts. Today was going to be a good day, I thought to myself. I immediately had a vision of walking downstairs, with Mama and aunty Petunia standing behind a levitating cake in the shape of the number eleven, with Harriot and Dudley grinning while handing me prank presents. Those two can really be unbearable. But no matter. If I get my letter today, then I know we'll be going to diagon  alley. We'll get Dudley's stuff to. I guess. I've been itching to go to Hogwarts for two years straight, since Harriot got sorted into Hufflepuff. Honestly, I've never been so excited.

But really, let me level with you. If I'd known that what I walked down to, I would have just stayed in bed....

Dudley and Harriot were still in bed, and Mama and Aunty Petunia were obviously waiting at the door for me. I was so nervous; this wasn't what I had expected at all.
"Mama? Aunty? What is going on?" The silence was daunting. They hadn't been this grim since I accidentally set fire to Harriots head when I was seven, probably because she had eaten all Dudley's lunch and dinner.
"Promise you won't get upset."
The tone coming from mama and aunty were bone- crushingly upset and Mama sounded like she had been crying.
"Upset about what Mama?" I stumbled cautiously.
"Well...you see...OH I CAN'T TAKE THIS PETUNIA YOU TELL HIM" Lily exited the room in hysterics.
"Oh Lily... always the drama queen...but Harry...this is a serious matter. You... haven't exactly... gotten your letter to Hogwarts." Aunty winced as she told me.
I was speachless. Dumbfounded. How? Was I a squib? Was I not good enough for Hogwarts?
"Don't worry! You're still going to a magical school! Just...oh I'll tell you you're going to Beaxbatons. The one in France. Hence why lily is so upset." Aunty explained gentlely.
I couldn't believe my ears. Me? Son of Lily and James Potter? Not go to Hogwarts? Beaxbatons is some sissy french girls school!! I just can't deal with it!
"No...I have to go to Hogwarts. It's in my blood!" I nearly screamed.
Aunty Petunia tried her best to calm me down, but nothing would work. I, Harry Potter, was going to Beaxbatons, France. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Later, in Dumbledore s office...

"Albus...why can't he attend Hogwarts? This is plain ridiculous! Yes, he'd get big-headed, and lean on his father's reputation, but to send him to France? This is overkill!" Lily shouted.
"Lily, you must see the bigger picture. That night James died..." Dumbledore started.
"Don't you dare bring James into this! Why is it always about that night?! I'm not proud of abandoning him, but our son is safe now, so can we leave poor James to rest in peace like he deserves!" Lily sobbed.
"Lily MUST I repeat myself! This isn't about you or James, but Harry! That night James died, Voldemort died when Jame's magic grew so strong he used it as a binding spell, hence how he was so easily captured. He did not touch Harry, or even lay eyes on him, but he is anchored to the earth solely because he wants to kill Harry and you! And where do you think he'd be most likely to find Harry? HERE! Letting him attend Hogwarts is a risk to the boy's safety, not to mention your own! Do you understand? Or will I have to force it into that ignorant brain of yours through darker magic? " Dumbledore yelled.
Lily, quivering in fear, mumbled a quiet "yes headmaster."
"I thought so. Now run along, and we won't have to discuss any of this."


Hi guys! Hope I made this chapter interesting! Please comment and vote (pretty please 🙏) if you like my book and if you have ideas! Ima gonna go write more! Stay awesome!
Wondersoph11 🐼🦄🐰🦊🌹🥞 xxx

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