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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘: draccuhmalfoyh


Poor Y/N had been dreading this day.

She had recently gotten out of a relationship with her (now, ex) boyfriend. They had been planning to attend the Ball with each other since November, but seeing that the two were no longer together, she was going to have to see him take someone else who wasn't her.

However, it seemed that Draco Lucius Malfoy was not going to let her sulk over some dumb boy.

Despite her non-stop chattering and the smacks he would receive from her, he couldn't stand seeing her so upset over someone who didn't know what they were doing: breaking up with a girl who was so understanding. But a part of him couldn't stand seeing the girl he fancied be so attached to another boy.

Which is why he had took it upon himself to make his best friend feel better.

Even if that meant having to go dress shopping...

"This is hopeless!" Y/N frustratedly sighed as she plopped down onto the sofa that was near the changing rooms. Draco put down the daily prophet and turned to the girl.

He doesn't know how his Father does it.

How can the man possibly have that much patience to be able to wait around as his wife walks from shop to shop? Draco considers it a talent.

"I can't find a stupid dress to wear! I might as well not attend."

"Absolutely not." Draco shook his head.  "You are going to that Ball and it doesn't matter what you wear because you always look ho-" He paused for a moment, running his hand through his hair before faking a cough while looking at her raised eyebrow from the corner of his eye. "You're going."

"Fine, but what exactly am I going to be wearing?"

"Don't ask me." He snicker before returning to the paper.

Y/N was not having it.

"Oh well," she sighed with a small pout. "I guess I'll be in my dorm, eating away my sadness...like I always do because Draco Malfoy is a-"

"Okay fine! I'll help you find a bloody dress if it means you'll shut your mouth for a second!"

He was now towering over the girl who was now sinking into the couch with an innocent smile placed on her lips. "Kay."

That woman is frustrating.

His feet brought him to each room, eyes scanning every clothing rack.

Y/N also happened to be his date to the Yule Ball and he wanted to have a dress that matched his suit (which wasn't hard considering black and white go good with almost anything). But he wanted to make sure Y/N would also be comfortable in the dress. He wouldn't want to have brought Y/N to her dorm room because of a wardrobe malfunction or because the dress wasn't fitting.

And the dress in front of him seemed to fit those expectations.


His arms were propped up against the arms of the couch as his leg bounced up and down. It had been five minutes and Y/N wasn't out of the dressing room. "Are you almost done in there?" He called out.

"Yeah, but uh..could you come in?"

His pale face had gone so red, he could put the whole Weasley family to shame.

Was this really happening right now?

"Oh──er──sure I guess.."

He pushed open the door and there stood the most gorgeous girl he's ever seen. "Wow.." he breathed out, grabbing Y/Ns attention which was previously focused on the mirror in front of her.

"Could you..zip me up?"

He snapped out of his gaze. "Yeah.."
She shivered as his cold hand trailed down her back, getting the zipper. Her eyes stayed glued to the pile of dresses that laid on the floor as a pair of grey eyes stayed glued to the mirror, admiring the girl. The dress was tight and silky, making her figure more prominent. When his hands pushed her hair to the side, a faint "Fuck.." was heard as he had the sudden urge to turn her around and kiss her until they were out of breath.

She didn't know what she was doing to him..

"What do you think?" She asked as he was done with the zipper.

"I chose well.."

then the two eventually kiss and get married 💏 (no part two to this one my loves👊)

it's occured to me that some people don't actually read the authors note😐🖕 sucks for them cuz if they did, they would know that the hint for the milf y/n ff is that the title is
The Summer Job‼️

that's all im giving away😁😁 lmk if you guys have any ideas for the story or any questions <33

𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 ⇶ DRACO MALFOY IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now