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this was supposed to be posted yesterday but rafe cameron is just😩 i need more x reader fics.



𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘: bbq cooch



WARNING: angst? honestly didn't feel bad when i wrote this😁 this is very random but that's okay🤝

H/N: his name


That's how things ended.

And the only thing Y/N could do was ask, why?

They had been dating for a year and were perfectly fine. They held hands, kissed each other goodbye, showed up to each others practices and important events─all the cheesy things couples do when they're madly in love.

So when Draco Malfoy broke up with her in front of the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room, saying that he wanted to see other people, she held back tears and nodded, saying she felt the same way. Merlin knows she didn't.

He went on multiple dates with multiple girls and didn't care to check up on Y/N who wore a sad look everytime Draco walked around with a new girl on his arm.

So if he broke up with her, why was he feeling miserable?

The Slytherin Quidditch Team was celebrating their win against the Gryffindor in the Common Room and while the boys continued to drink and engage in conversation, Draco scrolled through the old pictures of him and a {y/h/c} haired girl.

He shouldn't be doing this. He knows that he shouldn't be celebrating his win by slouching on the couch while staring of videos of him pressing kisses to his ex girlfriends cheek or sadly smiling to photos of them making silly faces.

"And then he─oh..." Draco looked up at his friend, Blaise Zabini, who was also scrolling through his phone with a drink in one hand. Blaise stared at his phone with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" Theo asked as he looked over the boys shoulder at the bright phone screen. "Shit-"

"What is it?" Draco was curious as to why the boys were all looking at each other and needed some sort of distraction from the video of Y/N cuddling into his chest that played on repeat. "Let me see."

"Don't show him, Zabini." Miles Bletchley shook his head.

But it was too late.

Draco had stole the phone from Blaises hand.


He stared down at the phone with an unreadable expression. Pictures of Y/N and a boy he had never seen before, were posted on her account.

The first photo showed Y/N sat on the boys lap as his hands guided hers on the strings, his eyes fixed on her as hers were fixed on the guitar. A muggle instrument. He was reminded of the times where Y/N told him how badly she wanted to learn how to play, but he didn't have the time, or instrument, to teach her.

The second photo showed the two sticking their tongues out at each other (almost too similar to the photos Draco had on his phone).

He couldn't even look at the third photo.

It seemed that the picture of Y/N locking lips with the boy was too much for Draco given that he tossed Blaises phone, making it land on a soft cushion before reaching for another cup on the table in front of him. The photo was taken at a party. A Halloween party. Months after their breakup.

"He's just a friend." Draco refused to believe Y/N had already moved on.

"He's not, thou-"

"Who cares?" Draco threw the cup, completely missing the bin before letting out a nasty belch.

"Malfoy, what are you doing?"

The boy was struggling to stand as he picked up his sweater, heading for the portrait. "I have to see her," he mumbled. "She'll hear me out. She always listens to what I have to say."

"I don't think that's such a good idea, mate. She's already moved on, and you should too."

But Malfoy didn't care for what the boys had to say and dashed down the halls. It was past curfew and Draco was still fast, even while drunk.

A little more courage, a little more speed.

That's all Draco needed in order to talk to his ex girlfriend.

It seemed that the person behind the door could already sense a presence behind the door given that "Draco?" Stood in front of him was Y/N who hadn't changed much. Her {y/e/c} eyes still had him in awe, but it seemed that her soft smile was gone once she said his name. "Draco, are you drunk?"

"Pfft, noooo," he smiled, leaning against the door frame.

The smell of alcohol hit her as he leaned in, almost as if he was going in for a kiss. "What are you doing?" She gasped.

"'m giving my girl a kiss." He leaned in once more only to have his face pushed away. "I thought you loved me." He was almost whining and Y/N almost felt bad for him. "You can still be with me, babe. All you have to do is day those three words." Those three words.

"I can't," she shook her head with a slight scoff. "You broke up with me. You said you wanted to see other people. I'm happy now and you can't just take me back after it took me many months to heal."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, obviously taken aback by what she had to say. But before he could reply, a voice behind her was heard. "Y/N?" The attention was now set on the boy stood behind Y/N (whom Draco assumed was H/N). "Is everything alright?"

"Yes." Another voice. Finally making it up the stairs was Theo Nott who made his way beside Draco. "We were just leaving."

"No we weren-"

"Yes, we were."

"Okay," H/N slowly nodded his head, wrapping an arm around Y/Ns figure.

Draco couldn't even process what was happening. Blaise, Goyle, and Adrian were making their way up the stairs, ready to take Draco away and just like that─she was gone. Again.

H/N was a lucky man. That's for sure.

Dracos breaths were uneven as Blaise placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, leading him back to the Common Room.

If only, was all Draco could think.

If only Blaise hadn't brought up Y/Ns dumb post. If only Y/N didn't look at H/N the same way she would look at him. If only he hadn't been such a fool to leave a girl like her.

It's believed that you never realize what you have until it's gone.

Draco never understood that.

Until now.


wren is trying to post more. pls let me know if you have story ideas or requests. i might take a few👍


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