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Hobi POV:
I woke up tied to a chair and in a dark room. I moved around and tried to get loose but it was no use, I soon heard someone come in and turned the lights on.

"Who are you? Please let me go my boyfriend will be here to get me soon." I said to whoever was in the room.

"I don't think that will be possible pretty boy. He won't be seeing you ever again anytime soon." The man said and pulled my jaw to look at him.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mr. Min and yes I am Yoongi's dad. My son will not marry a boy I won't allow it and I mean that. He was supposed to take over the mafia but left to do music then met you and I don't approve." He said as my eyes had tears in them.

"Wait you are dead I won't believe that you are alive. He told me that you were dead so how are you here and how are you able to get to me if I was in a heavily guarded building."

"I have my ways and my men copied the key cards to the building so they got access to you and brought you back to me. I have been waiting to see you in person and you are even more pretty then in the pictures on twitter." He kissed me and i spit on him.


He started to punch and kick me in the stomach and slap me in my head until I blacked out again and I went into little space in my brain remembering the times I spent with Yoongi knowing that they would possibly be my last if they didn't find me.

Yoongi POV:
We were no on the road driving to Daegu where they were holding Hobi hostage. I didn't know why my my dad would be alive and want t see me at that. He was dead at least that's what my mother had told me so why come back now after all these years and take something so valuable to me and my life.

"Yoongi how is he alive if they told you that he as dead why would he come back and take Hobi if he has nothing to do with what you and your dad had going on?" Namjoon asked me.

"Because he would want to take the thing that means the most to me and if Hobi wasn't in my life he would have went after my music career and try to bash me but he found something that is close to my heart and that is him so he took him, now can we please just get going so we can get him back before anything bad happens." I said and the car ride was quiet.

We arrived to the cottage and I saw cars and guys outside all around with guns. I waisted no time and told the boys to stay in the car and they did as told. I walked up and they let me in and as soon as I walked in there was my father sitting in the chairs that were in the living room I sat down and just looked at him.

"So I don't get a hi or a I miss you dad. You just come in a d look at me like you see a a ghost." My father said to me.

"Listen I don't miss you and I don't want to see you so can you please just give me back my wife so I can leave he isn't in the right state of mind to be without me and be treated this way." I said still with a straight face.

"Listen I know you read my message and like I aid you need o let him go and go get a real wife not some boy that acts like a boy." I got pissed at his words that I got up and slapped him.

"Give up the shit and give me back my wife, he can't think right without me and I know he has been talking about his froggy. He is a little and he will end up going into it late and then you won't know what to do to take care of him please." He looked at me and just walked away to the basement.

I followed him yelling at him to let me see him but when I got down there my heart was broken there was Hobi laying in the chair with blood coming out of his mouth and he had bruises on him everywhere. I rushed over to him and lightly slapped his face and he opened his eyes slowly.

"Daddy, where are we?" I cried because he was so innocent.

"Baby don't worry we are about to go home and then you can lay with daddy and go to sleep."

I lifted him up and my dad just let me take him out of the house. I laid him in the car and then went back to my dad and gave him 1 million dollars and then he looked at me and just laughed. I walked out as he was still laughing with an evil lay=ugh then I head him say.

"Thanks for letting me fuck him." I ignored him and just got in the car with my baby.  We got home and I took him to the room without talking to the boys, I just locked the door and laid him down staring at him sleeping and I cried knowing that I was the whole cause of this but my father was a back stabbing bitch and he would  do anything to get money out of me for not running his business. I got a cold rag and rubbed it on his head and laid beside him kissing his head.

A/N: So boring chapter since I had a little bit of writers block so I had yo improvise.

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