The tale of an empathetic girl

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"You were and still are the most beautiful thing," Aiden told Emma, causing her to suck in a breath. He chuckled and looked down bashfully.

"We were something though, weren't we?" He said a moment later, looking back up.

"We were," she said with a faint nod.

Silence fell over them, their gazes on each other for a few moments before the feelings became too intense inside of her and she had to look away.

"You know, I never asked you what you do for a living. Like, what did the great Emma Haines become?" Aiden asked, smiling at her.

"Oh. Ha," she chuckled, looking into his eyes.

"Fancy boarding school education. And I know you went to college," he commented.

"I did," she said with a nod.

"Well?" He asked, heightening his eyebrows, waiting for her to answer.

"I'm a chiropractor," she told him.

"Oh, wow. So you're like... like, a doctor? You literally became a doctor?" Aiden asked, looking at her wide-eyed.

"Well, I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a doctor of chiropractic care," she explained.

"Still, you are literally a doctor. Doctor Emma. Like, I could call you Doctor Emma."

"You could," she chuckled.

"Wow. That's amazing, Emmy," Aiden gushed, smiling from ear-to-ear.

"Yeah," she said bashfully, feeling her cheeks heat up with him gushing over her.

"Ah. I'm feeling a crick in my neck," Aiden joked, feigning pain as he rubbed it with his hand. Emma let out a laugh and Aiden chuckled.

"I could adjust you if you would like," Emma offered, smiling at him.

"Nah. I'm just messin' around. Although..." He said, smirking at her before cocking his eyebrow.

"Here," she said, getting up from her seat.

"No, no, Emmy. I was joking," he chuckled as she walked toward him.

"It'll be fast. Have you ever been adjusted before?" She asked as she stood behind his chair and slid her hands against the sides of his neck. He was warm compared to her hands and it felt good. His soft skin felt good.

"Yes," he said, his voice growing quiet as she touched him.

"Sit up straight," she instructed a moment later.

"Yes, ma'am," he said, breathing out a laugh as he did. She began to gently tap her fingers along the sides of his neck, getting a feel of him before moving them up, cradling the sides of his head in her hands.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Mm-hmm," he hummed.

"Take a deep breath," she instructed, and he did.

"Let it out," she then said, and he did.

A second later, she jerked his head to the side, causing his neck to make cracking noises.

"Take a deep breath," she said again, and he did.

"Let it out," she told him, and he did.

She jerked his head to the other side and it cracked again.

"There," she said, sliding her hands down his neck again before she began squeezing his shoulders between her fingers, kneading the muscles.

"Thanks, Emmy," he said as she patted his shoulders and stepped around him to take her seat again.

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