The tale of a happy couple

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Aiden was nervous. Of course he was nervous. Wedding day jitters, right? Why did they make him want to throw up? He was happy. So maybe he would just throw up confetti or something - they were celebrating after all. Oh, god. He honestly could have used a cigarette to calm himself down. If only he hadn't quit smoking six months before.

When he arrived in the room in the church where he would be getting ready for the ceremony, he hung up the garment bag that held his tux and opened it. He stared at the dark material and impeccable tailoring, thinking about how in just a few hours he would be fulfilling one of his greatest desires by marrying Emma, the love of his life. Just the thought of it made him emotional. He took a deep breath and began to pace the room, sporadically wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans.

Why was he so nervous? He'd thought about this day since he was sixteen-years-old. He couldn't believe he was here, about to marry Emma - his Emmy.

He wanted to see her - his bride-to-be. She spent the night at her mom's with her sister and the girl's while Aiden stayed home with Jack and Abby. He missed Emma. He knew it was tradition not to see the bride before the ceremony, but he was certain he wouldn't be able to abide by that old wive's tale.

Besides, how much more bad luck was God willing to throw at them? They were both widowed already. Not much could get worse than that. So traditions and bad luck be damned. He was determined to see Emma.

He went straight to the bridal room, knocking on the door, hoping it would be his bride who would answer, only to find Abby on the other side.

"Hey, Abbs. Is... is Emma in there?" He asked, feeling a bit anxious.

"Um. She just went to feed Jack."

"Okay. Thanks."

Aiden knew the church had a specific room for breastfeeding mothers, so he went straight for it, knocking, but finding it empty. He let out a huff, trying to think of where she might be.

"Hey! Mom!" Aiden called to her from down the hall.

"Yes, my love," his mom answered as she walked toward him with a proud smile on her face.

"Hi. Um. Do you know where Emma went? Abby said she went to feed Jack," Aiden asked, hoping she might have some insight.

"I saw her walking down the stairs just a little while ago," she told him, causing his stomach to turn with anticipation.

"Thanks, Mom," he said quickly, leaving a chaste kiss on her cheek before he made his way to the stairs, his mom saying 'you're welcome' in return.

The moment his mom told him that Emma went downstairs, he had a feeling he knew where he would find her. And once he stood in the doorway of the all-too familiar room, a wide smile turned up his lips.

Emma sat in an uncomfortable tan folding chair breastfeeding Jack in the room the two of them spent so many nights together. A Sunday school room that saw a lot of tears during countless grief counseling sessions. It was the room where they met again, where they were brought back into each other's lives.

They chose to marry at that church for that reason alone. That room in that church held a lot of pain for a lot of people, including them, but also brought the two of them a world of happiness when all was said and done.

"I thought I might find you in here," Aiden spoke finally, causing Emma's attention to immediately turn to him.

"Hmm," she hummed, smiling up at him, looking peaceful.

"This room..." Aiden said as he shook his head, stepping inside.

"I-I felt drawn to it today for some reason," she told him pensively.

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