Who are you...

486 19 13

Mentions of murder, abuse, and suicide. If thats not something you'd like to hear right now, click off and have a good day!

I spent the next few days studying. Not school. But Kokichi.

My first question I wanted answered is 'Why did the teachers give Kokichi homework seperately?'

This one was simple enough to solve. I was on good terms with all of the teachers. I turned in my work on time, never got in trouble, and participated in class so all of them liked me.

So I went up to one of my teachers, Ms. Yukizome, to ask this question.

"Hey, Ms. Yukizome?" I asked tentatively. Her green eyes swiveled up to me. "Why does Ouma always get his work after the rest of the class?"

"Oh? Because his dad pays us to keep him in a good mood," she said cheerfully. "We don't want him getting upset after his.. nevermind."

"Huh? His what? Is his dad rich? Is that why he never participates at all? Is that even legal?" I asked, my mind filling with questions.

"Just forget this conversation, Kiibo! You do have homework to do today! And also, I don't think Kokichi would like you snooping through his personal stuff," she said with a bright smile. "Bye bye!"

I sighed, and with no other option, I left.

So his dad paid the teachers. I wrote this down, along with all my questions. It seems like I currently have more questions than I was  hoping for, but it would do for now.

I spent the rest of the day researching the name 'Ouma' 'Kokichi Ouma' 'Ouma, Kokichi' 'Kokichi..' nothing. Nothing. I could not find a single person. You'd think that his "rich" dad would at least be mentioned. A buisness? A company? Something. Nothing.

Did Kokichi make up his father? Then how was he getting this money?

I shook my head and decided not to think about it too much right now.

The following days were spent asking people about Kokichi. I had found a.. goldmine of information.

Apparently.. Kokichi had murdered somebody. A boy named Ryota Mitarai.

Naturally, I dug into the case.

On March 15 at 8:57 PM, an anonymous person had called the police to file a missing person report.

Ryota Mitarai was not seen at all that day. It wasn't unusual for him, since Ryota was a bit of a loner, but it wasn't the same since he had left all his stuff at home.

Ryota was not last seen with anybody. No witnesses had seen him. Nobody came foward saying they had talked to him that day or the day prior.

Ryota's body was found a month later, 100 miles from home. He was hung. There was no note.

The person who called the police to file the report claimed Ryota didn't have a drivers license, which was true. So how was he so far from home? Nobody had come foward claiming to have dropped him off and he didn't really have a lot of friends or family to visit.

Some suggest that he ran away for reasons unknown. Some suggest a cult, a gang, or drugs. And some suggest murder.

But why Kokichi?

Through all my research, Kokichi was not linked at all. He was, from my knowledge, not even questioned. He didn't have a connection to Ryota, he didn't have a (known) reason to kill, and he apparantly also didn't have a drivers license.

Kokichi also wasn't arrested or charged. Police don't watch over him. To me, this seemed like a poor excuse to harass and seclude somebody.

But Ryota's death still was mysterious.

I turned off my laptop, wanting to be done with all these questions. I stared out at the window. At the twinkling stars and the shining moon. Why was this so.. complicated..?

I decided to find out more about his home life. This meant I had to follow him. Not stalking. I know, it sounds weird. But, for his safety.. what if he was abused? Or neglected?

After school, I would follow him. I tried to talk to him.. but.. he acted like I wasn't alive. Like I wasn't there. He completely ignored me.

He seemed to know I was there though. He would glance nervously at me every now and then. But other than that, he acted like I was nothing more than a shadow.

He stayed alone, hanging out around fields and parks. He listened to music. The closer it got to sundown, the more nervous he seemed to get.

He didn't hang out with any friends, go home, do any of the work he had, or even talk. He just.. wandered.

When night time approached, he seemed unbearably scared. He then, without warning, ran off. I wanted to run after, but he was too quick and was soon out of sight.

I went back home, writing all of my observations down.

Who is Kokichi Ouma..?

Days passed, the cycle continued. He wandered and ran when nighttime hit.

One day, I decided to hide. Behind trees, in bushes. I wanted to see what he would do.

His schedule was different. The wandering  around alone was the same.. but around sunset, thats when he decided to leave. This time, he didn't run.

He went to the woods and proceeded to pull things out of his pocket. A play mask, cape, and a hat.

After putting them on, he then walked across town. I was following, but still made sure to be relatively hidden.

A person with the same outfit as Kokichi (along with a similar mask), was waiting. They had bubblegum pink hair.

"Hello, SG," they said.

"Hello, DL," Kokichi replied. ".... Code 5 A.. I think it's WHS."

'DL,' pulled out their phone, sending out a text before going absolutely still.

They didn't say anything to each other, or even make a noise... for the next two hours.

I sat there, bored as all hell. Why were they just standing there? Is this how Kokichi spends his days? I was determined though.

So I waited.

After about.. 3 hours.. Kokichi looked around before saying, "Think it's over, DL?"

"I dunno, SG. But we should get going. Lets go down LBR just to be safe.."

What was with these words?

Kokichi nodded and walked with the other person down a long, weird road. They made random turns, would end up in random places.. but after about an hour, they made it to an abonded house. The windows either had the shutters closed or were boarded up.

Kokichi knocked on the door three times. Thats when a girl with brown pigtails opened the door. (Same outfit, similar mask).

"IAAGM, DL and SG," Kokichi said. The girl nodded before letting them in, closing the door.

I couldn't get in or see what was inside.. but now I was left with more questions. The main one being..

Who actually is Kokichi Ouma?

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