Chapter 17: Cuddles and a Revelation

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Elea woke up the next morning to the rising sun shining straight into her face. She halfheartedly groaned and rolled on to her stomach to bury her face into the softy fluffy pillow, only to roll again a second later from the uncomfortable feeling of laying on her chest.

Luckily for her, on the other side was met with a warm comforting presence that both blocked out the wretched beam of sunshine with a membranous wing and allowed her to drape herself over it. Content with the new position Elea began to drift back to sleep only to be disturbed by a rumbling laugh from beneath her.

"A bit uncomfortable are we," Ayden said, rolling on to his back and taking her with him, "especially for someone who claims over half the bed and all the covers for herself."

"Hush," Elea said, no bothering to lift her face, "Not all of us can be massive heaters all the time."

"Says the female who can control an ungodly amount of fire," Ayden said, slightly shifting beneath her as he moved one of his wings that looked like it was partially pinned beneath him.

"Sometimes I have to recharge," Elea retorted, bracing herself on her elbows to stare Ayden in the eyes.

"Sure you do," Ayden said, "because you've used so much power recently."

"Well," Elea said, giving him a lazy smile, "opening portals does take a lot out of you."

"Yes, but not your fire."

"Possibly," Elea said, content with her current position and in no hurry to move.

"Mhm, could it possibly be that my dear mate just wants more attention," Ayden said, wrapping his arms around her waist. In response Elea simply collapsed on him, burying her face into his chest and enjoying the peacefulness of the moment.

In all the years that they had been friend before the mating bond had snapped, touch was a large part of their relationship, whether it was cuddling under blankets together after playing outside on a cold winter day or simple having a foot or arm touching while they sat studying on one of the many sofas around the palace.

It came as no surprise to her that once the mating bond snapped in place she wanted to be in near constant contact with him, which wasn't a viable option with so much to do and so many people around them, so she took the moments that she got and used them to their fullest.

They stayed in the position for the next half-an-hour as the sun rose, talking over random things and enjoying each others company. The priestesses didn't want her in the library until later anyways. Her hand was lazily tracing over the bargain tattoos on Ayden's chest, her own matching one out and showing for the first time in forever, when a figure walked through Ayden's bedroom door.

"Ayden are you up, Mom and Dad are calling a meeting and-" Nyx trailed off as he saw the two of them in the rather compromising position, sure they both had clothes on, but they didn't do much to ease the awkwardness of what Ayden's brother was seeing- "um."

"Do you people not know how to knock," Elea said, her brow raised, as she moved to sit up.

"Normally I don't expect to find people in my younger siblings' bedrooms," Nyx drawled in response.

"What do you what?" Ayden asked, before Elea could respond.

"Mom and Dad are calling a meeting with everyone, including the people from her world, apparently something happened last night," he said.

"We'll be right down then," Ayden said, "just give us a moment."

"Sure, see you there," Nyx said, giving them a raised eyebrow before closing the door behind him.

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