What in the World...?(2)

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Chapter 2


Swallowing the food and drinking a glass of water, (Name) started to think of the things she would do to avoid getting buried under the debris of her new home. She plans to let in her family too, if they were good people. (Name) raised her head up and looked towards her new family. Then, continued to eat.


It was weird that this family seemed too normal, or for say, a bit plain. (Name) expected to be treated weirdly or one of her family members would have some weird quirk while eating since that was what most noble families in stories were, but surprisingly there was none. They were too quiet after the last comments of the duke.

'I guess these were the perks of a Noble extra.'

A normal and quiet atmosphere. This was the perfect household for (Name).

She could just go to her study and write down the important events of the novel and find the whereabouts of the remaining ancient powers in the Eastern continent without being disturbed. Though it would take a lot of money and time if she was just going to hire people for information about ancient powers.

'Maybe I should just invade the Directory.'

She unconsciously nodded with the thought of sneaking in the secret base of the Mercenary Guild. Though, she couldn't remember the exact location of it, as long as she pays someone to find the location (Name) could just relax and wait.

There was no need to worry over something that'll happen at the far future. But, (Name) will need to prepare a lot.

Lost in thought, the boy who was on the opposite side of the table, Mikael de Lialas, was looking at his little sister with dull eyes, as if they were saying that his sister was no fun.

'Is she really younnger than me?'

Mikael thought of her sister as little doll who only had a stoic expression on her face and only shows emotions if she needed something, or if the situation calls for it.

It was like a default expression.

She was quite tall and had flawless skin that could be described as one of a mannequin that you see from a toy store.

Mercy was smarter and mature than most of the children at her age which made their parents favor her a lot. Hearing his spoon being placed on his plate, Mikael stopped thinking about his doll-like sister. It just made him a bit salty.

After some time, (Name) was the first to rise from her chair and made eye contact with the duke before speaking.

"Father, may I have a request?"
"Of course. Anything you want."

(Name) smiled while holding both of her hands up.

"Please give me money."
"Ah, of course— hm? Our child wants money?"

The duke had a shock expression on his face but it quickly returned back to normal. He leaned towards the table, placing his chin underneath his palm that was acting as its support.

(Name) had stayed firm on her stance. Money was the first thing she needed and thought of Cale, Who did the same thing.

'I'm mimicking his actions for now.'

Most of the time Cale's actions would be really helpful, especially when arriving into this world. If you remove the sacrificing parts, she may be able to get away with anything if she used the information from the novel along with Cale's way of thinking.

Another benign smile was formed on the dukes face.

"I thought you said that you didn't like money?"

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