Gathering things(3)

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Ahem. Ahem.

Gemma let out a fake cough, signaling the now cackling child to return to her senses.

"Oh right. Mhm."

(Name) straightened up before taking deep breaths. She got carried away.

The maid smiled to her softly, before checking the time.

"We should be heading back now, Young miss."
"Mhm, thanks for reminding me."

(Name) stood up, followed by Gemma, and walked out of the cafe after paying for their drinks. They were both talking about a few things while walking.

(Name) could see knights sweating profusely under the scorching sun, waiting obediently, while a few others who had used their heads, hid under the shade of a tree and stepped out once seeing them leave the café.

Upon nearing the entrance to the shop, a man who was neatly dressed with a decent outfit, opened the door and smiled warmly at them. He was not shaking like some malfunctioning dish washer anymore.

It was Alan Pincher.

(Name) smiled innocently before dropping a compliment towards Alan.

"I guess the saying that fine wine gets better with age does apply to people like Mister Pincher."
"I am honored to be complimented by you, Young miss."

'Now where did she learned that, ah?'

Gemma thought of that as she stood beside (Name). The soldiers also had odd expressions on their faces but they decided to brush it off and remain professional.

"Anyways, shall we head inside?"
"Of course. I have also secured a safe spot for our conversation."

Honestly, (Name) was excited. She was now in the position of those classic negotiation scenes in novels and felt like she could just squeal in excitement.

However, that excitement changed in an instant as (Name) started to frown.

While climbing the stairs leading to the 2nd floor, she could see the damaged spots around the weary hall and stained grills of the windows.

The place didn't look like it was in the verge of falling apart, but it may start to break down by the following months, especially when winter arrives.

(Name) then recalled the black dust that Alan was covered with, during their arrival. She assumed there was something like an anvil near the area but narrowed her eyes towards the back of the man that was leading the way.

"May I ask why were you covered in black dust earlier, Mister?"

The man let out a gasp. A hand brush onto the back of his neck and replied weakly, as if he was embarrassed.

"One of the machines malfunctioned and partially filled up the room with its dust. I had it taken out earlier today and I was in the middle of cleaning when young miss visited."
"I see. My apologies for the inconvenience."
"You do not need to apologize. It's not much of a big deal in this shabby building, anyway."

The man let out an emotionless chuckle, then stopped.

Alan opened the door in front of him, that revealed a small study with a basket of cookies on a table and a balcony, showing off the enthralling view of the street outside.

"I didn't have enough time to provide high quality snacks so I hope for your understanding."
"It is fine."

(Name) plainly responded, before picking up a cookie out of the basket and started munching. (Name) was not one who discriminates free food.

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