chapter twenty eight

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"Hurry up!"

"Be quiet or someone will hear us!"

"I think it's safe to take the cloak off now."


James, Sirius, Peter, Remus, and Ophelia all appeared out from under the invisibility cloak. They had snuck out of the castle and into the grounds on their last day of school.

"Last one to the lake is a cursed troll!" shouted Sirius, and all of them ran down to the lake as fast as they could.

"Sorry Pete, looks like you're a cursed troll!" laughed James.

"It's hot out," panted Sirius. "Good day for a swim eh?"

"Well, we were already planning on it, but sure," said Remus.

"I don't know what you lads are waiting for, but i'm getting in!" said James.

He took off his shirt and already had a pair of swim trunks on. He kicked off his shoes, ran to the lake, and did a cannonball in. It made a big splash which soaked Sirius.

"You're gonna pay for that one mate," Sirius threatened, and he too took off his shirt and shoes and jumped in after his best friend. The two played around, trying to splash one another.

Peter went in next, walking up to the edge of the lake, dipping a foot in to check the temperature, and once it was up to his standards, he jumped in.

"Wormy!" yelled Sirius.

"Those three are idiots," Remus looked at Ophelia.

"Four," she replied.


"You're one of those idiots," she explained.

"Ha. Ha." Remus said sarcastically, yet smirking.

He, as the others did, took off his shirt and shoes and jumped into the lake, landing right on top of Sirius.

"Oi!" Sirius yelled.

"You were in my way," Remus laughed.

Ophelia laughed at the four boys before getting undressed herself. She had on a cropped t-shirt and a pair of black shorts, but had a swimsuit underneath it. She threw her clothes to the side, where the rest of the guys' clothes were, and kicked her shoes off.

James looked up at her and wolf whistled jokingly.

"Oi that's my sister you prat!" Sirius hit him in the back of his head, and earned a large splash of water from James.

"I'm only joking!" James raised his hands up in surrender.

Ophelia ran and jumped into the lake. She fully submerged herself below the water, it felt nice compared to the summer heat, even if it was the middle of the night.

She swam up to the surface and wiped the hair out of her face. She turned to Remus, who had been watching her, and he smiled and quickly looked away.

"I am so glad to be done with OWLs, you have no idea," said Sirius

"Trust us, we do," laughed Peter.

James got out of the lake unexpectedly, and when all eyes were on him, he proceeded to do a backflip into the lake.

"Woah," said Peter, completely in awe. "That was amazing!"

"Why thank you Petey," smiled James.

Ophelia swam up to Sirius and climbed onto his back.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked.

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