chapter seventy three

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15 March 1977

6:23 pm

The stands erupted in cheers as Ophelia grasped a hold on the golden snitch and flew to the ground, Madame Hooch blowing her whistle and Fabian Prewett announcing Gryffindor's win and the final score. Ophelia ran over to the rest of the team, jumping on James in excitement.

Hufflepuff, the opposing team came over to congratulate the team on their win. The captain, Hassan Peakes, shook James' hand while the seeker, Andrew Dedalus, complimented Ophelia on her gameplay.

After celebrating on the field, Madame Hooch eventually forced the teams to get change and the students in the stands to go back to the castle. It was almost dinner time, but not for the Gryffindors. They were planning to spend the night doing what they do best: partying.

When the Gryffindor team walked through the portrait hole after getting changed, they were met with a full common room. Gryffindor students from fourth year and up were already dancing, tables of firewhiskey and butterbeer were set up, and music was blasting from all around.

"Phee!" exclaimed Peter. "Guess what I managed to do?"

"What?" asked Ophelia.

"I convinced Remus to get drunk!"

"No way! Pete, that's amazing! Oh, this will be good," Ophelia laughed and looked at her boyfriend.

She walked over to where Remus and Lily were talking, both with cups of firewhiskey in hand.

"So, I heard that we'll be seeing you drunk again," she said.

"I dare you to get drunk with me," said Remus, knowing that Ophelia wouldn't pass up a dare.

"Easy, I was going to get drunk anyway."

Ophelia made her way over to the drink table and poured herself a cup of firewhiskey. Within a few hours, it was easy to say that all of the marauders were very drunk and having the time of their lives.

"Lilypad!" shouted Remus from across the room, trying to get the girl to hear over the loud music.

"Can I help you?" she asked, walking over to the boy. Lily, unlike the marauders, didn't want to get drunk and decided that she better stay sober if Remus and Ophelia wouldn't be.

"I have a secret," he laughed, almost coming out like the giggle of a little kid.

"And what might that secret be?" Lily said, playing along, knowing full well that it would be something stupid.

"Don't tell anyone I said this, especially not James because I think he might kill me," he started. "But James has a small crush on you."

"Really?" Lily widened her eyes and placed a hand on her chest, feigning shock.

"Yeah, he's had it for like, a couple of months at least. Maybe more, I can't really remember, but he fancies you."

"I have a secret for you, Remus," Lily said.

"I love secrets! I'm the best secret keeper. Like, for example, the other day Sirius told me that he cut a chunk of James' hair in the middle of the night, and I haven't told anyone. Not a single person."

"Well, you know Ophelia Black?"

"Yeah, she's pretty!"

"Well, she fancies you as well. She's fancied you for a little while, actually."

"Really?" gasped Remus, completely flabbergasted.

"And I don't know if you know this or not, but she's actually your girlfriend."

"No way! I have a girlfriend! And Sirius said I would never date anyone!"

"You should go talk to her," Lily suggested.

"Great idea! Great talking to you, Lilybug!"

Remus walked over to where his girlfriend was arguing with an even more drunk James.

"No, James. I don't care how drunk you are, you're wrong!"

"How dare you insult both my sobriety and intelligence in one sentence!"

"Big words for you, Prongs," Remus said.

"Ophelia is a dumbass. Your girlfriend is not the sharpest tool in the shed."

"Did you just call her a tool? Fucking misogynist," scoffed Peter.

"James doesn't think a giraffe is an animal!" Ophelia shouted.

"It's not!" he yelled.

"You're a fucking idiot, James," laughed Remus.

"No, I'm not! Stop saying that!" James started tearing up a little bit.

"Why the fuck do you not think a giraffe is a real animal?" asked Remus.

James was busy wiping his eyes, therefore he couldn't answer the question.

"Yeah James, why do you not think a giraffe is a real animal?" Ophelia pushed. "Tell him!"

"Okay, how the fuck is a long necked spotted camel moose horse hybrid an actual thing?"

"How the fuck is a unicorn real? Riddle me that, bitch."

"Fuck you, Ophelia. Go rant to Lily about fucking kangaroos," James yelled.

"Oh are kangaroos not real either?" Ophelia shouted back at him.

"Guys. What the hell is Remus doing?" Peter asked, looking in the middle of the crowd of dancers with his eyebrows furrowed. Ophelia and James both spun their heads in that direction and saw Remus idly spinning around by himself. His arms were flung out and flying around, hitting anyone and everything within reach. He was loudly singing a David Bowie song, even though the song that was currently playing was by Fleetwood Mac.

"Remmy! What are you doing dancing all by yourself?" laughed Ophelia, going over towards him. She started dancing along with him but instead kept thinking back to her childhood where she, Sirius, and Regulus were forced to learn a lot of pretentious, pureblood shit. That said, Ophelia started doing a ballet routine with perfect form. She heard a squeal from across the room and saw Sirius running over toward her.

Sirius joined in the routine and began flawlessly doing it with her. If you couldn't tell that they were twins before, you most certainly would be able to now. They were perfectly in sync with everything, same form, same routine, everything was perfect. Impressive, knowing that they were both incredibly drunk.

By the time the Fleetwood Mac song was over and The Eagles started playing, Ophelia became really tired. She leaned on Remus as they danced together. Remus noticed her fatigue and decided to walk her over to one of the couches. They sat down together and Ophelia cuddled into his chest, both falling asleep within the minute as the moonlight shone down upon them. 

a/n: drunk remus 😈😈😈 

that was all my outline said. quidditch, party, drunk remus 😈😈😈 

(the emojis were in fact included in the outline)

these past few chapters have had very little outline to them, they're mainly just filler chapters but I swear just a few more fillers and then I have a long list of chapters back to back with actual plot or just more interesting ig and longer too, I haven't had much time to write and when I do there isn't much planning and the chapters are just short but Christmas break is coming soon so by that time I'm hoping ill have written several chapters and be able to write a lot more of those actual plot chapters 

thanks for all of your patience and all of your support! your guys' comments and messages and votes and everything like that keep me motivated and I love each and every one of you <3

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